keen-eared listeners fordonald trump's inauguration speech might have noticed aweird similarity between parts of it and another speech that iknow cenk will be familiar with. we will play the first section,this is from earlier today, donald trump delivering part ofhis inauguration address.
apple share quote, today's ceremony, however, hasvery special meaning. because today, we are not merelytransferring power from one administration to another orfrom one party to another, but
we are transferring power fromwashington, dc and giving it back to you, the people. for too long, this smallgroup in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards ofgovernment while the people have borne the cost. so we know trump gets alot of credit for being a charismatic guy, we have anotherspeaker who will sound a little bit similar, perhaps evenmore charisma. they have kept you down withmyths of opportunity, and we
give it back to you, the people. that was almost literallyword for word. no it wasn't. bring up thefirst graphic, you will see it compared. it's funny, but it's not thatsimilar. it's not. the people is. we are transferring power andgiving it back to you, the people.
and we give it back toyou, the people. that's the same, i guess. that's ridiculous. that's not rare enough toqualify. i'm not saying he plagiarizedbane -- a lot of people are, i thinkthey are stretching. they are kidding. it's notlike trump is, let's look up comic book villains -- should igo with the penguin?
cheney already has that lockdown. the riddler, melania alreadytook all the good riddler stuff. that little piece of giving itback to you, the people -- if he also had turned to obama andsaid, so you think you're in charge -- i would be like, hemeant it. this is your moment of liberation. if you think we areexaggerating, to compare to the
bane we have a little bit moreof donald trump speaking in roughly similar words. the establishment protecteditself, but not the citizens of our country. their victorieshave not in your victories, their triumphs have not beenyour triumphs, and while they celebrated in our nation'scapital there was little to celebrate for strugglingfamilies all across our land. that all changes starting righthere and right now, because this
moment is your moment, itbelongs to you. january 20, 2017 will beremembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nationagain. the forgotten men and women ofour country will be forgotten no longer. [cheers and applause] aside from the whole banething, i think we understand why he had to go with this tactic,finally it's not the politicians, it's the people whohave power.
and i know what people are going to say, theelectoral college is how we elect people, and it's true, itis, but it's a little bit funny to say that the people finallyget what they want, they are finally the ones in charge, whenhe lost the popular vote by almost 3 million people. and iknow if you take off california and new york and people wearinggaloshes and people who voted at 10 pm -- if you take offwhatever you want he somehow won
or whatever. but i personallybelieve that people are more important than the squaremileage of a district, for instance. people didn't vote fordonald trump, 3 million more voted for hillary clinton, whichmust have been difficult for them to do, but even asunpopular as she was, she was more unpopular. i understandthat he wants to have this cloak
of being a populist even thoughas ana has pointed out the few things he's yet done aspresident have been anti-populist, but he's notrepresenting the people, not in the vote, they don't show up inpolls, and they don't show up at the inauguration, which we willshow you in a bit. it sounded like bernie sanderswrote that part of the speech. we are giving the power to you,the people, the 1% have been doing great but you haven''s authentic when bernie says it, and when trump says it it'sall bullshit.
i think that the reason why,just based on reports i've read by actual people who voted fortrump, a lot of them said, well, i don't like a and b and c abouttrump, i wanted to vote for bernie, but at least they areboth antiestablishment. i'm angry at those voters becausetrump and bernie sanders couldn't be more different,their messaging might be a tiny, tiny bit similar in terms ofbeing antiestablishment, but it's very clear that oneliterally symbolizes the
corruption in this country whilethe other has been a politician fighting for the rights of thepeople as long as he's been a politician, and he has a tinybank account to prove that he's not in it for the money. if you can be antiestablishment byfilling your cabinet with former executives of goldmansachs and making the head of an oil company fourth in lineto the presidency, being antiestablishment doesn't meanshit anymore.
i want to go back to bane,because that's fun. i think there is a tiny percentagechance that steve bannon, who very likely wrote the speech,obviously trump didn't -- steve bane-on. coincidence? steve bannonmight have wanted us to make the connection because this might bethe kind of thing that the mainstream media will raise ahubbub over but the american
people like popular culture. certainly the populist message is the steve bannon kind of,let's go get 'em, your towns are now rotten because of everyoneelse for us, now we are winning, all that stuff -- but i don'twant people to take it too seriously and get all worked up,because if you spend your energy getting worked up aboutsilly things that trump says, you won't have time leftfor when he does important and serious things.
the silly stuff he says is inmy opinion intentional to distract from the hideous thingshe does. while the media is obsessing over his tweets peopletake real action against working-class americans andmiddle-class americans, keep that in mind when you getdistracted by his b.s. my plan is to defeat him andthen ask, i was wondering what would break first -- your spiritor your body. i've seen his body, it willbreak first.
it's baking right now.