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hey what's up guys, this is david benjaminfrom healthywildandfree.com today i want to talk about the health benefitsof the good ole' american and worldwide apple because they grow in europe as well, and southamerica, they grow in a lot of places actually. in a lot of different environments and climatesand apples obviously you know we've all heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away, umm,that's not necessarily true because if all

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quote appl, you eat is an apple a day and you eat a bunchof mc'donalds, and gmo burger king, taco bell and cheeto's and genetically modified doritos,i mean, you're probably going to have to see the doctor pretty soon, so an apple is a goodstart though, an apple is delicious and everyone loves the crunch of an apple when you bitinto it.

so, today i want to talk about the healthbenefits of apples and why you should be eating apples more often, first things first thoughapples are actually one of the top 12, what is called 'dirty dozen foods' which meansthat apples are one of the most heavily sprayed foods. there's fruits and vegetables thatare sprayed heavily and apples are one of the top 12 most sprayed foods so you wantto absolutely make sure that you're eating organic apples, so make sure you're buyingorganic apples and not eaten regular apples because you don't want to be eating all thosechemicals, that's definitely not a good way to keep the doctor away in any way whatsoever. so one of the biggest and most beneficialaspects of the apple is that it is rich in

fiber, apples i want to say it's somethinglike 40 something percent of your daily intake for your, or maybe it's 30, 30-40 somethingpercent, it's in that range, but don't quote me on this. 30-40% of your daily value needof fiber is in apples, in an apple. so, basically it's mostly fiber when you biteinto an apple you're literally eating fiber and fiber is obviously beneficial for cleansingthe intestines and cleaning the intestinal walls and the intestinal system and digestivesystem overall. so fiber is obviously important for your digestive health. apples are also rich in vitamin c, they containaround i want to say it's like 11 or 12 percent of your daily value of vitamin c in your diet.vitamin c is obviously beneficial for repairing

your hair, skin, nails, ligaments, joints,tendons and things like that. it's also rich in quercetin, which is a plant,it's basically an antioxidant that's beneficial and it's anti-inflammatory so inflammationis one of the main causes of disease and sickness and i mean, literally i mean a tumor or cancer,that's a lot of inflammation so food's that are anti-inflammatory contain quercetin likeapples and different fruits and vegetables are beneficial in that way. also, apples arerich in polyphenols which are beneficial plant compounds that are beneficial for many differentaspects, it's an anti-oxidant essentially and it's cool because the polyphenols foundin apples are specifically beneficial for protecting against uv-b radiation.

so, this is funny, i was having a conversationwith a friend the other day and i was telling her about you know different fruits and vegetablesand how they actually help act as a sunblock or as a sunscreen because when you have fruitsand vegetables you have to understand that the compounds within them that make up thecolor of that fruit or vegetable are anti-oxidants that turn into that color in order to protectagainst sunlight, or against uv, too much damaging uv rays from the sun, uv-a, uv-bradiation or whatever it may be, so basically having foods, fruits and vegetables that area different range of colors is very beneficial and the polyphenols in apples and the skinof apples specifically are beneficial for protecting against uv-b radiation which isnot too much uv ray's are obviously not beneficial

for your skin because it's oxidizing and damagingto the skin and those antioxidants, those polyphenols in apples and in other foods,fruits like tomatoes for example are beneficial and act as a natural sunblock or sunscreeninternally. so, that's another great reason to eat apples,they are also anti-asthmatic and anti-cancerous, they are beneficial for your cardiovascularhealth, the antioxidants and compounds within them, the polyphenols, the quercetin are onceagain an anti-inflammatory so your arteries you want to make sure inflammation, you wantto make sure you don't have inflammation in your arteries, that's the main bloodflow,that's the pump from the heart to the rest of your body to circulate blood and nutrientsand minerals and trace minerals and oxygen

and hydrogen and water and all of these differentthings throughout your whole body so making sure the arteries are not inflamed is veryimportant as well. apples are also great because they are anti-cancerousand anti-asthmatic, they are rich in vitamin c, fiber, different minerals and vitaminsand it's really the most important aspect of apples is the fiber content, they are veryrich in fiber and if you want to make sure to get your daily fiber intake in just jugglea few apples, this is fun, i just have to do this ever once in a while and eat an apple,eat one or two apples in a day and include your leafy greens and your different othersources of fiber as well but it's a great source of fiber and if you just feel likeyou need some fiber to get things flowing

down there ahh, just eat an apple and it'sgoing to help you and your digestive health and clean out your intestines and the wallsof your intestines and things like that. also, remember that apples are one of thedirty dozen foods meaning it's one of the most sprayed so make sure to buy organic becauseas we all know johnny appleseed and as he was spreading seeds ya know in the midwesthere kind of michigan, indiana, ohio, and somehow i think he got to washington he musthave walked a long ass way to get there, he didn't have time to spray them he was justplanting seeds and he bounced so there's actually a lot of wild apples, this is kind of a coolfact too, there's a lot of wild apples in different regions and specifically i believemore in the midwest than anywhere and there's

all different sorts of apples. the smaller apples, the crab apples, the littlegreen apples, those crab apples are actually edible and they are actually richer in vitaminc so if you see those crab apples they're kind of, they're really bitter and i've eatenthem before because ya know, wild foods, free food, healthyĆ¢€¦ why not? if you see thosecrab apples and you live in michigan or the midwest, ohio, indiana, illinois, i thinkthey were mostly around this region or canada maybe too. those apples are actually edible so indulgein crab apples, fuji apples, gala apples, ya know, green apples, red apples, all thedifferent colors just have different antioxidants

and polyphenolic compounds within them thatare beneficial for your health and wellbeing to combat oxidative stress within the bodyso eat an apple a day, it's the first step to keeping the doctor away, make sure it'sorganic. thanks a lot for your time, i hope you enjoyedthis video, subscribe to this channel for more information on healthy fruits and vegetablesand healthy foods to include in your diet and why you should eat them more often andthank you so much for your time, like the facebook page below, subscribe to the channelbelow and check out the itunes podcast, the healthy wild and free podcast in the descriptionbelow as well, thank you so much for your time, have a great day.

bye. juggling apples. see ya

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