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>> good afternoon. let's go ahead and take our seats and we willbegin the second portion of the employer advisory committee. good afternoon. on behalf of calpers, i would like to welcomeyou to the summer edition of the school employer

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apl share price, advisory committee meeting. thank you for taking time to join us in personand via webcast to hear the latest updates on our programs and policies related to yourwork with calpers. i am david and despite the agenda listingme as linda evans, i am not linda.

i'm the outreach manager for calpers. i would like to take a moment and either introduceor reintroduce linda evans to you. linda is our acting chief of stakeholder relationsand she is here to take your hardest and most complicated questions so direct all of themto her immediately. so a few housekeeping notes and we will divein. so those of you here in person should've pickedup a calpers packet. it has the agenda, some of the materials somake sure you pick that up and if you have not signed in, just so we have a completelog of participation make sure you sign in before you leave today, that would be great.

as always, please remember we are being joinedvia teleconference right now or rather webcast so there are 50 people watching from acrossthe state. the bonus here is that we need to be surewe are using the microphones when we ask questions. i apologize in advance, but i will ruthlesslycut you off if we speak without the microphone so the folks on the webcast are not viewingliterally a silent room of people all gazing at nothing according to what they can see. i will be sure to be mindful of that. those of you on the webcast, welcome. if you have questions please e mail us asalways, at our general mailbox for this meeting,

calpers_seac at calpers.gov. one of my team members is monitoring thatand she will be e mailing these questions to me here on my phone so i'm on my phonesand not on facebook or treating this i am actively engaging with you across space andtime and we will then read those questions out loud as we get to the q&a question foreach of the agenda items. sometimes the same question might come invia e mail as was asked in the room so if you e mail in a question and don't hear backfrom us right away perhaps it's being overlapped with a question being asked and answered somereason we are not able to address that in the room make sure we get back to you witha written response as soon as possible.

just a couple last more notes on the agendabefore we dive in. and the main meeting we presented part oneof the information on audits and mentioned we will have part two during this meeting. unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances,the audits team cannot present today so we will bump that to the november meeting. you can see we have a jampacked agenda. lastly, a change to the agenda that did notmake it before we printed is rosanna castain is listed on the legislative proposals. she will actually present that as part ofher other item working after retirement overview.

you will just be heather on that particularitem. okay. questions on anything before we dive rightin? moving merrily along, i saw earlier firstoff i would like to invite our assistant chief of legislative affairs, scot blackledge tocome and tell us what's going on at the capital. >> here we go. microphone just needed to be on. scot blackledge, calpers legislative affairsdivision. the legislature just returned this mondayfrom their month long recess and they are

busy working in the fiscal committees on allof the legislation. some legislation is made it to the floor andwill make it to the governor’s desk over the next couple of nights. other bills are being heard in the appropriationscommittee and put on the suspense file and they will be active on the assembly floors. the deadline for bills that came to the governor'sdesk during the last half of this month, the governor will have until approximately september30 to sign or veto those bills. so with that, i will just be going over alist of bills that may be of interest to school employers and i am happy to take any questions.

the first bill is 1878 by assembly jones sawyer. this may be familiar to you. it's a bill sponsored by the california federationof teachers and they sponsored the bill over the years to try to improve the calpers schoolnever got benefit to more a quick to what calstrs offers credentialed teachers. they tried this year to increase the benefitamount, i believe they first started out this year with like a 5,000 dollar benefit amountand when the bill reached the appropriation, the assembly appropriations committee it wasput on the suspense file and the conditions for getting it out was that the bill wouldjust be reduced to only allowing the calpers

board of administration to increase the existing$2,000 death benefit based on changes to the california consumer price index from january1, 2017 on forward. so much like the strs benefit, it would becontingent on board action, any kind of changes with that. the other change that came, it also appliesto state members of calpers who also will only receive a $2,000 death benefit. retiree death benefit. so our actuaries have been able to kind ofcreate a cost range for this benefit and we have provided that to the appropriations committeethis last week.

so on the low end, considering if inflationincreased by i believe it was 1.5 percent, which is like last year's actual. the board could increase the benefit and itwould cost the state and schools plans approximately $6 million for that one time increase andthen they did a maximum increase where they estimated that cpi would change approximatelywould increase each year by about 2.7 percent and they assumed that if the board adoptedthat change every year then you are talking about a cost more along the lines of $50 millionper year for both the state and schools plans. so you know, i've been surprised by the progressof this bill considering that the cft has ran this bill in various forms over the last20 years and failed.

this bill has gotten farther than any of thepast bill so there's a possibility he gets off the appropriations committee suspensefile and we will see if it moves on to the governor's desk. i would be reluctant to predict him signingor vetoing this bill. he is generally been vetoing enhancement billssince he entered office, but i have to give my hats off to cft for moving this along sofar and building a big coalition with the state employee unions. any questions on that bill? i will just kind of ask.

you know what, i will go ahead and ask questionsat the end because i know you've gotten this opened up for the conference line. the next bill, okay. i will move this. assembly bill 2028. now that bill by assembly member cooper wouldrequire a credit for service in compensation earnable for members who are involuntarilyterminated and subsequently reinstated to employment through a specified proceedingsso that would be things such as court or administrative action, civil service commission, things likethat.

so when a member is involuntarily terminatedit would allow or it would require the member to receive service credit and compensationearnable from the time that they were involuntarily terminated until the time that they were reinstatedto active service. so this is the board voted to support thisbill if it was amended to conform to existing statutes that apply to retired employees. and that applies whether they are state employees,school employees, contracting agency and so, at the beginning of this session, this billwould've only apply to school and contracting agency public safety employees. now the bill applies to all calpers employeesand the author took our amendments to conform

with the existing statute that applies toretirees. and so if a calpers member is fired and theysubsequently go through the appeals process and our reinstated to active employment whatthat would mean is that the employer would be required to pay their contributions forthe member's retirement and that the member would have to pay their contributions towardthe member's retirement. and that would be based on the compensation,the back compensation awarded. i will take questions on that at the end. let's see, the next bill i just wanted tomake you aware of, it does not impact school employer specifically, but it would mirrorfor the california state university a provision

that applies to all school employer's fortheir credentialed and certificated employees who were elected officials of aiding unionthat go out on service and essentially what it says is if they are on a leave of absencefor union service as an elected official then the employer the union has to reimburse theemployer and the employer would make the contributions and the member would make the retirement contributionsfor service so that they don't lose any retirement benefits by being out on leave. there is a 12 year limit on that, as you know. so i don't know if that will ever apply tonon school or non university employees but i know that other unions have wanted to havethat in the past.

another bill i just wanted to bring to yourattention, assembly bill 2348 by assembly member levine. and that authorizes the department of financeto identify infrastructure projects in california for which they would guarantee a rate of returnfor investment made by calpers subject to the availability of special fund monies depositedinto a fund. this bill also used to apply to calstrs, butthe author narrowed the bill. the board has taken a neutral position onit. it does not really require calpers to do anything. it requires the department of finance to beginto assess if they wanted to have calpers involved

in investing in infrastructure process sowe will have to wait to see if the governor finds that bill and what the department offinance might do but that could include infrastructure for schools or highways or airports, thingslike that were governments typically are issuing bonds. the next bill senate bill 294 by senator pan. so that bill requires calpers to create anduse a separate form to be used by calpers members requesting retirement service creditfor active duty military service while they are on leave from a covered employment. right now, as you may know, calpers has onepamphlet and a couple of different forms that

relate to all calpers served the credit purchasesand so we are in the process of developing we've been working with the author to makethe bill track what our staff is doing in the way of improving publications and communicationsso what are program staff is looking at doing is having a separate pamphlet related to militaryservice credit purchases and have a couple of different forms, one for service creditthat members one for military service that members have performed prior to them enteringcalpers covered service and then there is the other type, which is for leave of absenceso from a calpers covered job so they could go and perform active duty military service. now there are some requirements in this billfor employers such as within 30 days of someone

returning to employment after active dutymilitary service, the employer is required to provide them with the information outliningtheir eligibility for employer paid leave of absence service credit and then there arealso requirements on the state. there's also requirements that would requirenotification of all new employees entering the system. and then one last bill, which is senate bill1203. i don't know how many of you may deal withjoint powers authority. i know that some school districts have createdjpas in the past and there may be school related jpas out there.

so senate bill 1203 by senator hertzberg allowsjoint powers authority performed on or after january 1, 2013 in where at least one memberagency provided benefits on or before december 31, 2012 to provide members who were employedby a member agency prior to the effective date of pension reform and later become employedby the jpa within 180 days of informing the jp eight to get the same defined benefit planthat they had received by one of these jpa member agencies. so i know they are forms for various instances. they may be providing health insurance benefitsor support functions for public employers and so this would allow calpers members whoare who were working for an existing calpers

employer or under a classic formula to becomeemployed by the newly formed jpa and not be subject to the lower benefit formulas thatapply to the pepra members. so with that i will i'd be happy to answerany questions on the bills. either any of the ones i've talked about orany of the others listed or whatever issues you have. >> thanks scot. melissa. >> i just i'm curious about this is not reallymy main question, but i was just curious about the jpa just to say that they are not currentlycovered.

>> so what happens is that the way the pensionreform was structured was that it was tied to members working for members working fora calpers contracting agency or working for the state>> and no actual employees of the jpa themselves as long as one member is a pers>> so what happens is under pension reform, the members whatever they were earning orlet's say they moved to different employer, they get whatever the employer was offeringclassic members prior to the implementation of pension reform. because jpa is formed after pension reformnever provided a classic benefit for my. >> i see what you're saying.

got you. >> this would just provide an exemption. >> my actual grow questions were just reallyquickly on the calpers sponsored bills. one is the technical bill, that cleanup bill. is there anything in there we need to know? >> not that i can recall at the present time. no, not that i can think of. currently. i mean there are some provisions related toreciprocal benefits; it's just declaratory

of existing law. gosh, i'm drawing a blank right now. you know what, i can go back and if thereare any school specific issues that may be of concern, i can provide that and we candistribute that in an e mail to the group. >> okay, and the other question had to dowith the options, the retirement options, is there detail on that somewhere? >> you know i can just kind of explain itthis way. at this point, when we started out with thebill there were going to the options that were going to be eliminated specifically thepop up options where a member's benefit could

be increased if they're named beneficiarydied before they did. and we had received some objections by membersof the legislature related to that and so we have kept those back in the bill, theyare put back in and so they would be retiring members that retire on or after january 1,2018 would continue to be able to choose those options. they are going to be under a different name,but they will still be available and so that would be the 100 percent pop up, 50 percentpop up. and what else is going on is that a lot ofthe other options, the more esoteric ones, they are going to be folded into what i wouldsay kind of a catchall.

it's called a flexible beneficiary optionsthat you will be able to name a multiple beneficiary and specify the amount that you want to provideto them in retirement. so at this point, it's more of a cleanup anda streamlining of the existing options going forward than it is wholesale elimination ofoptions. additional questions? >> this is vena from orange county. melissa's question about the options and youjust mentioned about i think it is customized options where they have multiple beneficiariesso they are thinking of getting that out or keeping that?

>> no, no. that would be a lot of the more i would sayless popular options. what we are doing is folding the featuresthat are contained in those options into a new flexible beneficiary option so they wouldstill be able to choose those features, but it is just under one name. >> thank you. >> other questions for scot? >> should we open it up? >> it's actually webcast so they are e mailingin questions and we do not have any.

>> oh, gosh. >> stunned us silent. >> this is not going to be posted on the internet. >> thank you for your help. [laughing]>> thank you for your patience. >> also for those of you on the webcast ihave received a couple of notifications that the video was cutting in and out so i havealerted our tv specialist and they are working on that. thank you for your patience and hopefullyit will be fixed soon.

moving onto the next item, we have heatherhurff joining us from the employer account management division. >> okay, i'm not quite as tall. so i am here to discuss some legislation thatcalpers is looking to proposed in the upcoming year regarding misreported school employees. this proposal would allow misreported schooledin place that were reported to calpers that were subject to coverage under calstrs toactually remain reported to calpers. i was supposed to go to that slide already. so the members this would apply to, as youall know, with ab 963 it clarified the ed

code on creditable service on identified memberswho were misreported to calpers so the preschool teachers, directors of hr, those were thetwo that we definitely identified so that would allow those people to stay reportedto calpers and not be backed up and send to calstrs. so it would also apply to misreported membersidentified due to the retirement system election so the election if it was given in error,anyone who was involved in one of these retractable adjustments knows that it's a mess and usuallythe member is not happy with the decision. so we believe that this proposal will be positivefor both members, employers and everyone involved in cases such as these.

similar to calstrs 8963, persable proposedlegislation that will allow applicable members a choice and it will offer a one time electionfor the designated period to have the employment reported to calstrs if they are eligible. there will be no action required of the memberswants to stay reported to calpers and there's also no requirement for calpers, calstrs orthe employer to identify these members. there's a possibility many members are unawarethat they are misreported, but from our experience when members are identified and adjustmentsrequired by current law, many members are not happy and wish to stay as they are. so this saves the member from financial impactsincluding social security impacts as well

as saving you the employer calpers, strs,many hours of resources. so looking ahead, the proposal would onlyapply to members who are misreported prior to december 31, 2017. the employers will be required to correctmisreported members and rolled on or after january 1, 2018. and when a member takes a position on or afterjanuary 1, 2018, employers will be required to enroll the member appropriately. calpers will continue education efforts, partnerwith calstrs to ensure employer's general members and the correct system and we arealso looking to make future system changes

to ensure correct reporting of school employeesat calpers including additional questions on the enrollment screen in mycalpers whenprocessing the calpers calstrs election. so at this time if anybody has any questions or concerns they would like to share. i got a thank you [chuckling]>> question. >> one moment please. >> sheila walker, department of education. if a person has been misreported prior todecember 31, 2017, they can still be misreported after december 31, 2017.

they never have to change. >> unless they change positions. so right now for instance, they were a preschoolteacher and they were reported to calpers. if they change into another position goingforward that is reportable to strs they need to be reported to strs. if they continue in that position they cancontinue to be misreported as they are for that position. >> so a preschool teacher that becomes a preschoolsite supervisor that's a change in position so they would need to be reported to the correctone or the correct

>> or they may be eligible for the retirementsystem election. >> i'm catherine from southern county superintendentof schools. i'm curious if we already made a correctiona couple of years ago when this first happened that we first found out and make corrections,could we then go back if those folks want to stay with pers and i almost hate to askthis question because it was a nightmare doing it the right way but we actually could probablygive them the opportunity to maybe go back into pers? >> thank you for that idea. again we are proposing this and we want toget this feedback.

at this time that was not planned consideringthere have been some issues that we have run into with 963 of people going from strs cominginto pers with social security and we did not go down that path because of that. what we have done is at this time, if we identifysomebody who's misreported, we are holding off. we are identifying them, keeping track ofthem and based on this legislation we will decide whether we need to go forward withthose retroactive adjustment or whether we can allow them just to be left alone. >> over here on the left.

>> i have a question. our hr director, we don't require a credential. it's not a strs position, it's a pers positionat our county office of she should never have been a strs member. she can continue to be a pers member and idon't have to do anything. >> if they are reportable two person that'sbeen determined just keep reporting them to pers. i don't know on the calstrs side what it wasabout certain directors of the chart that were determined to be creditable.

i think it just had to do with what they weredoing [overlapping speakers] >> i talked to calstrs about this. this kind of misinterpreted what the credentialingpeople say, what is the credentialing called? there is some misinterpretation there in theway they they say hr directors require credential and they do it the supervisor duplicate staff,but not all hr supervisors supervise so ours does not require credential so when they cameout saying all hr director should be a member of calstrs, that's not necessarily true. >> you are working with strs on that? >> yes.

>> okay. >> quick question, we have a preschool teacherreported to calpers incorrectly and then they take a certificate of both position, theywill be eligible for right of election to stay into pers? >> if the legislation goes through the memberswho are misreported that are about to stay in per se our calpers members so they wereto take another position that any calpers member would be eligible to do the retirementsystem election they would also be? >> and there is nothing will there be somethingto identify them? am concerned if they are reviewed later onhow are you going to note i guess it's just

based on what the legislation went into effect? >> if someone's identified later on, we willlook at the date that they were hired into that position and if it was before this datethey would be allowed to stay reported as they are. >> vena from orange county. strs had revised the form for right of electioneffective july. >> recently. between pers and strs, is there some circulardirective going to come in the meantime before this is all taking care of?

>> before this proposed legislation we aretalking about? >> or we will have to wait until this is done? >> we have to wait for this to go throughand be accepted and if it is then of course, there will be a circular letter just likewith 963 a circular letter came out from strs. we would do the same. >> okay, thank you. >> any other questions for heather? not seeing anything come in through the webcastbased e mail which makes me fear for the webcast, by the way but i have no way of knowing.

>> thank you very much. >> thank you heather. [applause]>> next up we have rosanna castain to give her comments on working after retirement. >> hello, good afternoon. how are you? i am rosanna castain and i will be gettinga very quick overview of calpers working after retirement statutes but first, i will mentionlegislative changes in the statutes that calpers will be proposing to be effective in 2018.

the first is to modify the consequences fora first violation is everything okay? [off mic]okay. slide one. i'm sorry. you are fine. sorry about that. they first proposed legislation would be tomodify the consequences for a first violation of three of the working after retirement restrictions. currently there is a one size fits all violationand that is reinstatement from retirement

and termination of the retirement benefit. the second proposed legislation similar tothe penalty for not enrolling a member timely is to charge employers a late fee for notenrolling a retiree with calpers when they are hired as a retired annuitant. as required by law. the current consequence for the violationof the statutes is reinstatement from retirement, that is termination of the retirement benefitsand the proposed legislation would provide a lesser penalty for the first violation andthen reinstatement for a second violation. the reason for proposing to give calpers theauthority to charge the employee is a fee

for not enrolling retired annuitant is toencourage compliance with existing law so there is a law that employers are to enrollretirees as a retired annuitant in mycalpers and it's not widely done. because our executive officers has not yetsigned on to specifics of either proposal, we can't share the details with you todaybut wanted you to be informed that these changes are being proposed. now for the working after retirement overview,and for this presentation we are going to have some handouts available. we can have them passed out at the end.

they just list our online resources for theemployers and the retirees and so when i'm going through this you don't have to worryabout taking notes. it's all available in that because i'm goingto give a very, very high level overview. all righty. calpers calstrs. i know a lot of you have been waiting to hearthis and here we go, calpers retirees can be employed in certificated positions thatqualify for membership in calstrs without restrictions. we had formally advised that the public employeespension reform act of 2013 also known as pepra

only permitted employment that complied withare working after retirement statutes. we recently received clarification that thiswas not the legislative intent of pepra thus our policy now is to regard this as employmentin a separate retirement system and as such it is not subject to calpers restriction. so i can take questions at the end if anyonewants to discuss that them. okay, requirements hold on. all right, retired annuitant employment. so retired annuitant is our term for a calpersretiree working for a calpers employer without reinstatement from retirement.

we think the history of the word was actuallyrehired annuitant and it sort of morphed into retired annuitant because it was easier forpeople to say so these statutes listed in the slight include the provisions for howsoon retirees can begin working after their retirement date, the type of work retireescan perform, the amount and type of compensation retirees can be paid and the total numberof hours a retiree can work for all employers in a fiscal year. okay, so what are the requirements to workafter retirement? new retirees must meet two different weight. a wait period for our purpose is a periodof no employment between the retirement date

and the first date of post-retirement employmentthe first is a bona fide separation and service. there are 2 conditions that must be met tomake a bona fide separation, first there is no agreement before retirement to work afterretirement. and there are 60 days of no implements betweenthe retirement date and the first day of post-retirement service. this requirement must only be met by retireeswho are younger than the benefit formula age on their retirement date. so, for example, if a retiree who is on agefifty two on the retirement date and has highest is that formula age, his formula is to presentat 55, he must meet this bona fide separation

180 day wait period is the second. this is part of pepra and it requires a 180days off no employment between the entire midday and the first date of post-retirementemployment unless there's an allowable exception. the most common exception for school employersis the employer certification resolutions where the employer certifies the nature ofthe employment, that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed position beforethe 180 days have passed and that the appointment has been approved by the governing body ofthe employer and in a public meeting. the governing body for school invoice is thecounty office of education. wait period for existing retirees.

we actually don't see this violation verymuch. retirees who collect unemployment insurancefor previous retired annuitant work must serve a wait period of 12 months before being rehiredas a retired annuitant. employers are required to enroll and reportpayroll for retired annuitant. and players are required by statute to enrollall retired annuitant and the mycalpers system upon hire and to report a role in the formof the hourly pay rate and hours worked. there are 2 types of appointments, extra helpan interim vacant positions. if you could go to the slide please. there we go.

that's it. thanks. so what are the retired annuitants restrictions? for extra help appointments, they are limitedduration work, the statute states a retired person can be employed either during an emergencyto prevent stoppage of public business or because the retired person have skills neededto perform work of limited duration. examples of limited duration work are theelimination of a backlog, special projects and to perform work in excess of what regularstaff can do. limited duration work is not a permanent orregular staff part time position.

second restriction is 960 hours per fiscalyear for all employers combined. there are no exceptions or extensions to thislimit. there was a provision for an extension butit was removed in 2013. in mycalpers system sends courtesy lettersto the retiree and the employer when the hours worked are reported reach 70800 hours. so compensation, compensation for retiredannuitants is limited to the hourly pay rate for the position as listed in the employerspublicly available a schedule with no other compensation and no benefits and there areno exceptions to this. slide 4.

yes. this is it. okay, so how do interim vacant appointmentsdiffer from extra help? one, they are made by the governing body ofthe employer so this is for positions like, for example, a vice chancellor of a communitycollege, a superintendent of the school district. what are the restrictions for the interimvacant positions? they are all of the extra help restrictionsplus there must be an active recruitment to the higher a permanent employee for the vacantposition before a retiree can be hired or can be appointed.

a retiree can be appointed only once to theposition. so termination of retirement for unlawfulemployment so the consequences of the unlawful employment is the termination of the retirementor reinstatement from retirement. when a retiree is found to be unlawfully employed,current law requires reinstatement from retirement and that the retiree repays calpers the retirementallowance received during the period of unlawful employment, a member contributions for theperiod of unlawful employment and the retiree it may be required to reimburse calpers foradministrative expenses incurred in handling the unlawful employment. the statute requires the employer who unlawfullyemploys a retiree to pay employer contributions

for the period of unlawful employment andthe employer as bound maybe required to reimburse calpers for the administrative expenses incurredin handling the unlawful employment. therefore, we consider the equal responsibilityof the retiree and the employer to ensure compliance with these statutes. are there any questions? >> one moment. >> francis from la county. does this all up like to retired annuitantswho come to work through a third party management company or what they call themselves an independentcontractor?

>> okay, this is there is confusion with this. the fact that a person might be hired througha third party employer, that they may have a contract that purports to be an independentcontractor does not necessarily mean that is the case. in fact, a lot of the violations we see arewhere there is a purported independent contractors/consultant cloak or employee of a third party employeewhen they are in fact, employees so that does not automatically, just because someone elsepays the salary or the pay rate doesn't do that. what we recommend that you do is if they aredoing work that employees do, certainly if

they retired from a position and they can'tcome back into the same work as an independent contractor. it would not make sense if it was a true independentcontractor position, they would not have earned calpers service credit for it so it does needto be something that's a true independent contractors so, for example, like calpersdoes not have roofers but when we get a rough we hire an independent contractor so it needsto be that. we recommend if somebody is going to workas an independent contractor that they get a determination from calpers before the employmentstarts. so our member services area there is a unitkind of the sister unit of ours that makes

those determinations. there is a question there that the employerfills out and the worker fills up as well and we recommend that anybody who wants todo that work get that determination before they begin working? >> you stated earlier that the county officeof education is considered the employer governing body in that respect as far as employing aretired annuitant >> actually no. it's just forgetting the 180 day wait periodexception >> so the district go ahead and either hiresomeone from a third party management company

or the individual under an independent contractoragreement and the individual refuses to have their earnings reported, the county officewill not be held accountable for that, is an calpers going to go after the district? >> that's two different things. the 180 day wait period resolution exception,that resolution has to be passed by the county office of education because that's the entitythat contracts with calpers. that's the governing body. for an independent contractor determinationthat would be handled with the hiring employer so the district, yes.

yes, vena. [chuckling]we were talking last week. >> let's say a community college in this fiscalyear 2016 '17 bills in an interim position, which is limited to 960 hours and they arestill not able to fill the position, can they then higher the same person for that excessworkload like a short term employee under 21229? under both sections. i'm saying in the same fiscal year can theyhire the same person first under one as interim but they could not fill it, the person worked960 hours and then they hire a short term for excess workload under the other.

that would be good? i am saying is that 960 hours combined permember under both schools 21221 and 21229? >> let me sort out your questions. that 960 hours is for all employers for allcalpers employment. >> all of it. >> combined. does that answer the question? >> yes, it does. i just wanted to make sure because we havea situation and i want to make sure there

is no other possibility. >> one advantage of reporting and mycalpersis that although you as one employer can't see if a person if a retiree is working formore than one calpers employee but you can run a report, a cognos report and mycalpersand it will pick up all of the hours reported so if for example, if you have been workingfor hundred hours and you run a report on them and they are working 540 it may not bethat your reporting is inaccurate. they may be working for another calpers employerwhose also reporting them so that's kind of one of the unique things about mycalpers inthat respect. >> okay, my other question is about pers retireeexcepting a certificated job, qualifying or

nonqualifying, where they might contributeinto strs system. i was hoping you would kind of clarify that. >> okay, so>> pers retiree accepting a certificated job where they can qualify in to strs system. my understanding is they will be reinstatedor something because you cannot draw the benefit under pers and contributing to strs system. >>>> because of the pepra changes. that's what my understanding is from youroffice. >> so we reverse that.

>> as of today? >> no actually a couple of months ago. [chuckling]what happened was let's see, probably the easiest way to describe it is to go back tothe law before pepra. where the perl acknowledge that pers and strswere two different retirement systems so if the employment qualifies for membership incalstrs meaning it is only a certificated, it's a teaching position, however you do that. not classified. but yes, a calpers retiree can work as a teacherin a certificated position and contribute

to membership in calstrs because calstrs isa separate retirement system in this regard, yes, they can do that. >> you are welcome. >> ramona cooper with stanislaw. up front. so if i hire mycalpers retired annuitant intoa certificated strs position, do i then need to report the hours that they are workingin that strs position to calpers? >> no.

that everybody here that question? okay, no. if the position qualifies for membership incalstrs, they are not a calpers retired annuitant. so the restrictions and requirements don'tapply. so no, 180 day wait period. you don't have to report them. it's as it was before pepra. think of it is as it was before pepra. >> are we going to be receiving a circular letter in regards

to this clarification of law? >> actually yes. at the moment all of our publications, thepub 33 reference guide, employer public agency and employer reference guides are being updatedand we will revise existing circular letter listed on the handout we have there, whichis revised that same one but all that information will be there in print, but right now sincethe author rise to the change, when anyone calls our call center, they are given thatsame information we gave them specific information to say it is now okay to work in strs membershipqualifying positions. anything else?

>> not at the moment. >> just a question about employer responsibilityfor reporting, i know it says currently the retiring employer share equal responsibilityand preventing violations and then when you are talking about your proposal, it doesn'tmention anything about the employer sharing equal responsibility preventing violationsbut i'm assuming there's something in there about that as well, right? or is there not? my question really when it comes down to iguess it applies to the current situation and that is if the 960 hours is an aggregateof all of their work amongst all calpers employers,

how do you determine employer responsibilitywhen an employer may not even know an employee is working at another calpers agency? >> i think that would be a matter of communication. what we meant with that is what we find sometimeswhen we are dealing with people who have violated is they will say i did not track might hours,for example, my employer was. or the employer will say we were not trackingthe hours. we've opted up to the retiree. what we see in practice sometimes is whensomeone gets reinstated for unlawful employment as they have to pay back two years’ worthof retirement allowance and payback for attractive

contributions and all that they may sue theemployers think you told me this was okay with calpers or likewise. so actually we have done some outreach toother retirement systems just to find out what were best practices when we went to dothis legislation and some designate that the employer is responsible for doing it or somesay the onus is on the retiree. with us, i mean historically this has beenan honor system. i think everybody kind of knew that in thepast. mycalpers kind of change that and it's greatwe can capture that by having them enroll but before, we don't require approval foryou to hire a retiree so that is your responsibility

to make sure that you know what these statutesare and how to hire them accurately because it's not when it comes in the next audit youwill all be dealing with it. likewise we think the retiree wants to work,has a responsibility to know what are the requirements as well and if both are educatedthen it's likely to have compliance and so if the retiree should be tracking their ownhours separately from what the employer says because the letters in mycalpers are courtesy. they are only as good as the payroll reportingthat happens. so we have a lot of retirees that get theletter and call us and say the dates on this letter and the hours don't match.

if the payroll is reported timely like whateverthe regular intervals are for reporting, they are likely to be more accurate, but if anemployer does retroactive employer of three months at one time, the latter may have somehours off and they will have a different take and those kinds of things. when we have questions like that we send themover to payroll reporting to sort it out and explain to the retiree by the hours are whatthey are, but we don't track that. that's a courtesy for our retirees and ouremployers. does that answer your question? does that help?

>> [off mic]>> we need a microphone. first violation. strike one. >> first slap on the hand goes to melissa. actually it was really more about, you know,we in our county may be tracking the hours and are tracking the hours through our systembut if they are working day in another county or for another pers agency somewhere we wouldnot necessarily know it so we are tracking it, but we don't know their aggregate hours. >> okay, this is another thing, you mightask.

the reason i say that is a lot of times sorrywhat we find sometimes is that employers are not aware they have hired a retiree. retirees apply for permanent positions. they don't tell the employer and it's notuntil in some cases not until in some cases until they hit 1,000 hours that they foundout this guy is retired. so you will see in the new publications thatwe come out, we have listed things that employers should do when hiring anybody and it doesn'thave to be related to age because disability retirement can be at any age and so what weare recommending employers do when you go to hire people is let them know you are acalpers agency, asked them if they are a calpers

retiree and if so what kind they are. that is the only way you can actually protectyourself because if they get reinstated you end up with them as your active employee andthe consequences can be something you did not budget for as well and so that is kindof what we are looking at there. >> [off mic]>> so we hope the revise publications and the reference guides will have kind of allof that information and when we've got detailed stuff like that it is in reactions to theviolations we see. what are the patterns that we look at, whatcan we do to better inform and inform retirees and employees and we are putting the sameinformation in the pub 33 and the employer

guide and the checklist and everything. so it's like we are trying to get things sothere is no excuse that i did not know. that's one of the things. so we have some ideas that we are kind oflooking forward to with even some other publications and maybe more things on our website as well. >> [off mic]>> all right,. >> [off mic]>> so we have one last question teed up for this site and then we will take a quick breakand move on. we have 4 more robust items to get here sodon't want to run out of time.

this is carol from butte college. i have a question regarding the piece thattalks about having just one appointment. they made only be appointed one time to theposition. for a situation we have where we have a positionthat probably could be a classified position but never has been so it's not like thereis a vacancy now, but has been filled by a retired annuitant and in our district everyfiscal year we do a process through hr where we do we authorizations for people. that retired annuitant has probably been withus for a little over two years now, maybe three years and continues to come back anddoes not exceed the 960 hours, gets reauthorized

every july 1, but it is still to the sameposition, is that considered still one appointment or just by the fact that we reauthorized everyyear and it would probably fall under the extra help appointment working on a specialproject, excess of what regular staff can do at this point,. >> for extra help positions that is fine. it's the interim positions, the unique positions,the one person position or one individual positions that they will that the only oneappointment applies to, so for the extra help position that's fine as long as the work theyare doing meets the requirements of the statute. >> terrific.

okay, thank you, rosanna. much appreciated that information so let'sgo ahead and take a quick 10 minute break. stretch your legs, get a drink and we willcome back and hit the rest of our items. people are be lining it for rosanna rightnow. run, run! [ break in event ][ break in event ] [ break in event ]>> second and final portion thank you, melissa. [off mic]let's take our seats please. all right, thank you very much. let's go ahead and take our seats.

we have quite a bit of material left so let'sgo ahead and get started. up first, we are going to have lolita luerascome up and give us an update on off salary schedule pay. thank you. >> hello everyone. i am lolita lueras from the compensation reviewunits. i see familiar faces so hello. i am here to speak about off salary schedulepay. a note was brought up at the last seac meetingso i wanted to just go over the new interpretation

or the clarified interpretation of off salaryschedule pay and the reporting requirements of the previous interpretation went or offeredfor an on salary schedule increase as well as then off salary schedule payment be reportedso long as it did not exceed a combined 6 percent. so there was a lot of questions regardingthat interpretation and we took the opportunity to go ahead and conduct some research andwent and looked at the legislative intent behind the off salary schedule payments andfound that the language used in the definition of off salary schedule payment in the californiacode of regulations 5718, it used the term in lieu of a salary increase for a fiscalyear.

our research showed that that meant it waseither one or the other. so as in our last seac meeting, if you areawarding your employees and on salary schedule increase of any kind, there is no room foran off salary schedule payment to be reported. if you are not offering an on salary increase,then an off salary schedule payment can be reported up to 6 percent as per the regulation. so there is going to be a circular lettersent out with that information. it is in the final stages of being approvedso we hope to have it out quickly so you have that information to reference. i know a lot of the county offices want toget that information out to the districts

so they have something to point too. we are there with you and doing our best toget the circular letter out as soon as possible. that's all i have so i will take questions. >> i saw a hand up in the back. >> napa county. we i think initiated this question when wesend an inquiry to pers, pers came back in writing saying that yes, we could do the offsalary schedule payment and our retro and off salary schedule payment have been in thesame month so i questioned if we can do both in the same month.

it came back as long as it does not exceed6 percent. we went ahead and put that in payroll, uploadedit. nothing errored out, which is my next question,why doesn't it air out and then we are told this after the fact. so now we have to go back and back all ofthose osps out. this is crazy. so it would be very helpful to have that guidance,correct when we ask for it as opposed to a month later after it's already been processedin payroll and then told differently? >> i completely understand your frustrationand as far as any guidance that was given

to you with the combined 6 percent, if paymentswere reported we are looking at those on a case by case basis to determine whether ornot retroactive corrections are needed. so we hope to come to a conclusion that wecan share with the group on how we want to go ahead and take care of each of the caseson a general basis, but for right now if you have any off salary schedule payments thathave been reported in the past based on the information you receive from calpers, reachout and we can work with you on a one on one basis to determine whether or not retros arerequired. as far as the payroll reporting error, theway the system is set up, as long as all of the information that is required is in thepayroll line you are attempting to report

it will accept it. there is nothing built into the system atthis time to error out the reporting of a special compensation item and tie it to anyregulations or anything of that kind before reporting it? >> i was just curious because if we are reportingthe retro in the same month as everybody got a lump sum off salary schedule pay, bonus,if we are reporting the retro line, and it accepts the off salary schedule special compline, you would think if it's excepting the retro like it would automatically error outthe osps line. >> again as long as all of the elements ofpayroll is there the system will accept the

numbers you are reporting. unfortunately we don't have anything builtin that would make the system and intuitive in creating an error for you. it's something i would love to look in toand we will take the suggestions back to see if we can work with our developers to getsomething in. >> a question back here and then to ramonaand a few others. >> when you say off salary schedule pay, wouldthat be considered the same as a bonus, a one-time bonus? >> i think the terms are a little interchangeablefor our school employers.

they may call it a one-time bonus know thatthere is an item of special compensation and 5718 called a bonus for superior performanceso if it is truly a bonus, then this 6 percent limitation on salary schedule would not apply. it just needs to be for superior performance,have requirements and them at a loss for words but it needs to have a plan in place for thecriteria to receive the bonus and the number of other things in that definition a bonusso that meets that definition than the 6 percent does not apply. but if what you are calling a bonus meetsthe definition of off salary schedule pay than it does apply so if you have a situationyou are not sure if it's a bonus or off salary

schedule pay reach out to the contact centerand we will help you? >> onetime monies they will distribute tothe employees, all the employees getting an equal amount, that would be reportable? >> that meets the definition of off salarypaid so yes. >> is that credible to the final compensation? >> if it meets the requirements of again therewas no pay increase then yes, it would be included in the final compensation. >> you are welcome. >> so what do we do if this month the unionsagree on an off salary schedule bonus and

then six months later we come back and theydecide on a retro up 3 percent? >> i know this is, with schools as well whereyou are not really sure, you are still in negotiation and they may extend further thenyou anticipated. i would suggest that you hold off on reportingoff salary schedule pay until negotiations are done to see if it is reportable. the other option is to go ahead and reportit and if there isn't on salary schedule increase granted than a reversal would be required. >> we can't delay on reporting it becauseunions require us to pay it up to the employees within the next pay period or to pay periodto you have to collect the contributions are

not collect contributions so not just reportingit to you is not going to solve the issue if we still have all this money we should'venever have taken. >> so the second option would apply. you can report the payment to the system butif it's determined it needs to be reversed, we will be in contact to let you know thatreverses are required and the contributions will have to be returned to the member bythe employer. >> question here and then. >> i'm anita lopez sacramento county schools. we have a district that was recently auditedby calpers.

had off salary schedule payments in 13 14,'14 '15 and now calpers is stating they have to back them all out and re report them andthis is the information they had it was reportable at the time. why would they need to do that, why do wehave to correct it? >> i'm assuming and i'm not familiar withthe audit finding, but i'm thinking just based on previous audits is that it was reportedas a lump sum and within our system you are capable of reporting a lump sum payment however,any compensation is reported in the system needs to be reported as our and so the auditormay have seen that lump sum payment and it needs to be reported are for the fiscal yearearned.

>> no, was in conjunction with a retroactiveincrease and that was the reason why because it was under 6 percent i reached out to calpersand got an e mail back that said as long as it was under 6 percent everything is finebut then we had another e mail back that said no, no you have to back that out and reportit. >> was a truly an audit>> it was an audit finding. >> so should i -- i mean we have not >> good afternoon. let's go ahead and takeour seats and we will begin the second portion of the employer advisory committee. good afternoon.on behalf of calpers, i would like to welcome you to the summer edition of the school employeradvisory committee meeting. thank you for

taking time to join us in person and via webcastto hear the latest updates on our programs and policies related to your work with calpers.i am david and despite the agenda listing me as linda evans, i am not linda. i'm theoutreach manager for calpers. i would like to take a moment and either introduce or reintroducelinda evans to you. linda is our acting chief of stakeholder relations and she is here totake your hardest and most complicated questions so direct all of them to her immediately.so a few housekeeping notes and we will dive in. so those of you here in person should'vepicked up a calpers packet. it has the agenda, some of the materials so make sure you pickthat up and if you have not signed in, just so we have a complete log of participationmake sure you sign in before you leave today,

that would be great. as always, please rememberwe are being joined via teleconference right now or rather webcast so there are 50 peoplewatching from across the state. the bonus here is that we need to be sure we are usingthe microphones when we ask questions. i apologize in advance, but i will ruthlessly cut youoff if we speak without the microphone so the folks on the webcast are not viewing literallya silent room of people all gazing at nothing according to what they can see. i will besure to be mindful of that. those of you on the webcast, welcome. if you have questionsplease e mail us as always, at our general mailbox for this meeting, calpers_seac atcalpers.gov. one of my team members is monitoring that and she will be e mailing these questionsto me here on my phone so i'm on my phones

and not on facebook or treating this i amactively engaging with you across space and time and we will then read those questionsout loud as we get to the q&a question for each of the agenda items. sometimes the samequestion might come in via e mail as was asked in the room so if you e mail in a questionand don't hear back from us right away perhaps it's being overlapped with a question beingasked and answered some reason we are not able to address that in the room make surewe get back to you with a written response as soon as possible. just a couple last morenotes on the agenda before we dive in. and the main meeting we presented part one ofthe information on audits and mentioned we will have part two during this meeting. unfortunatelydue to unforeseen circumstances, the audits

team cannot present today so we will bumpthat to the november meeting. you can see we have a jampacked agenda. lastly, a changeto the agenda that did not make it before we printed is rosanna castain is listed onthe legislative proposals. she will actually present that as part of her other item workingafter retirement overview. you will just be heather on that particular item. okay. questionson anything before we dive right in? moving merrily along, i saw earlier first off i wouldlike to invite our assistant chief of legislative affairs, scot blackledge to come and tellus what's going on at the capital. >> here we go. microphone just needed to beon. scot blackledge, calpers legislative affairs division. the legislature just returned thismonday from their month long recess and they

are busy working in the fiscal committeeson all of the legislation. some legislation is made it to the floor and will make it tothe governor’s desk over the next couple of nights. other bills are being heard inthe appropriations committee and put on the suspense file and they will be active on theassembly floors. the deadline for bills that came to the governor's desk during the lasthalf of this month, the governor will have until approximately september 30 to sign orveto those bills. so with that, i will just be going over a list of bills that may beof interest to school employers and i am happy to take any questions. the first bill is 1878by assembly jones sawyer. this may be familiar to you. it's a bill sponsored by the californiafederation of teachers and they sponsored

the bill over the years to try to improvethe calpers school never got benefit to more a quick to what calstrs offers credentialedteachers. they tried this year to increase the benefit amount, i believe they first startedout this year with like a 5,000 dollar benefit amount and when the bill reached the appropriation,the assembly appropriations committee it was put on the suspense file and the conditionsfor getting it out was that the bill would just be reduced to only allowing the calpersboard of administration to increase the existing $2,000 death benefit based on changes to thecalifornia consumer price index from january 1, 2017 on forward. so much like the strsbenefit, it would be contingent on board action, any kind of changes with that. the other changethat came, it also applies to state members

of calpers who also will only receive a $2,000death benefit. retiree death benefit. so our actuaries have been able to kind of createa cost range for this benefit and we have provided that to the appropriations committeethis last week. so on the low end, considering if inflation increased by i believe it was1.5 percent, which is like last year's actual. ran this bill in various forms over the last20 years and failed. this bill has gotten farther than any of the past bill so there'sa possibility he gets off the appropriations committee suspense file and we will see ifit moves on to the governor's desk. i would be reluctant to predict him signing or vetoingthis bill. he is generally been vetoing enhancement bills since he entered office, but i haveto give my hats off to cft for moving this

along so far and building a big coalitionwith the state employee unions. any questions on that bill? i will just kind of ask. okay.you know what, i will go ahead and ask questions at the end because i know you've gotten thisopened up for the conference line. okay. the next bill, okay. i will move this. assemblybill 2028. now that bill by assembly member cooper would require a credit for servicein compensation earnable for members who are involuntarily terminated and subsequentlyreinstated to employment through a specified proceedings so that would be things such ascourt or administrative action, civil service commission, things like that. so when a memberis involuntarily terminated it would allow or it would require the member to receiveservice credit and compensation earnable from

the time that they were involuntarily terminateduntil the time that they were reinstated to active service. so this is the board votedto support this bill if it was amended to conform to existing statutes that apply toretired employees. and that applies whether they are state employees, school employees,contracting agency and so, at the beginning of this session, this bill would've only applyto school and contracting agency public safety employees. now the bill applies to all calpersemployees and the author took our amendments to conform with the existing statute thatapplies to retirees. and so if a calpers member is fired and they subsequently go throughthe appeals process and our reinstated to active employment what that would mean isthat the employer would be required to pay

their contributions for the member's retirementand that the member would have to pay their contributions toward the member's retirement.and that would be based on the compensation, the back compensation awarded. i will takequestions on that at the end. let's see, the next bill i just wanted to make you awareof, it does not impact school employer specifically, but it would mirror for the california stateuniversity a provision that applies to all school employer's for their credentialed andcertificated employees who were elected officials of aiding union that go out on service andessentially what it says is if they are on a leave of absence for union service as anelected official then the employer the union has to reimburse the employer and the employerwould make the contributions and the member

would make the retirement contributions forservice so that they don't lose any retirement benefits by being out on leave. there is a12 year limit on that, as you know. so i don't know if that will ever apply to non schoolor non university employees but i know that other unions have wanted to have that in thepast. another bill i just wanted to bring to your attention, assembly bill 2348 by assemblymember levine. and that authorizes the department of finance to identify infrastructure projectsin california for which they would guarantee a rate of return for investment made by calperssubject to the availability of special fund monies deposited into a fund. this bill alsoused to apply to calstrs, but the author narrowed the bill. the board has taken a neutral positionon it. it does not really require calpers

to do anything. it requires the departmentof finance to begin to assess if they wanted to have calpers involved in investing in infrastructureprocess so we will have to wait to see if the governor finds that bill and what thedepartment of finance might do but that could include infrastructure for schools or highwaysor airports, things like that were governments typically are issuing bonds. the next billsenate bill 294 by senator pan. so that bill requires calpers to create and use a separateform to be used by calpers members requesting retirement service credit for active dutymilitary service while they are on leave from a covered employment. right now, as you mayknow, calpers has one pamphlet and a couple of different forms that relate to all calpersserved the credit purchases and so we are

in the process of developing we've been workingwith the author to make the bill track what our staff is doing in the way of improvingpublications and communications so what are program staff is looking at doing is havinga separate pamphlet related to military service credit purchases and have a couple of differentforms, one for service credit that members one for military service that members haveperformed prior to them entering calpers covered service and then there is the other type,which is for leave of absence so from a calpers covered job so they could go and perform activeduty military service. now there are some requirements in this bill for employers suchas within 30 days of someone returning to employment after active duty military service,the employer is required to provide them with

the information outlining their eligibilityfor employer paid leave of absence service credit and then there are also requirementson the state. there's also requirements that would require notification of all new employeesentering the system. okay. and then one last bill, which is senate bill 1203. i don't knowhow many of you may deal with joint powers authority. i know that some school districtshave created jpas in the past and there may be school related jpas out there. so senatebill 1203 by senator hertzberg allows joint powers authority performed on or after january1, 2013 in where at least one member agency provided benefits on or before december 31,2012 to provide members who were employed by a member agency prior to the effectivedate of pension reform and later become employed

by the jpa within 180 days of informing thejp eight to get the same defined benefit plan that they had received by one of these jpamember agencies. so i know they are forms for various instances. they may be providinghealth insurance benefits or support functions for public employers and so this would allowcalpers members who are who were working for an existing calpers employer or under a classicformula to become employed by the newly formed jpa and not be subject to the lower benefitformulas that apply to the pepra members. so with that i will i'd be happy to answerany questions on the bills. either any of the ones i've talked about or any of the otherslisted or whatever issues you have. >> thanks scot. melissa.>> i just i'm curious about this is not really

my main question, but i was just curious aboutthe jpa just to say that they are not currently covered.>> so what happens is that the way the pension reform was structured was that it was tiedto members working for members working for a calpers contracting agency or working forthe state >> and no actual employees of the jpa themselvesas long as one member is a pers >> so what happens is under pension reform,the members whatever they were earning or let's say they moved to different employer,they get whatever the employer was offering classic members prior to the implementationof pension reform. because jpa is formed after pension reform never provided a classic benefitfor my.

>> i see what you're saying. got you. gotyou. >> this would just provide an exemption.>> my actual grow questions were just really quickly on the calpers sponsored bills. oneis the technical bill, that cleanup bill. is there anything in there we need to know?>> not that i can recall at the present time. no, not that i can think of. currently. imean there are some provisions related to reciprocal benefits; it's just declaratoryof existing law. gosh, i'm drawing a blank right now. you know what, i can go back andif there are any school specific issues that may be of concern, i can provide that andwe can distribute that in an e mail to the group.>> okay, and the other question had to do

with the options, the retirement options,is there detail on that somewhere? >> you know i can just kind of explain itthis way. at this point, when we started out with the bill there were going to the optionsthat were going to be eliminated specifically the pop up options where a member's benefitcould be increased if they're named beneficiary died before they did. and we had receivedsome objections by members of the legislature related to that and so we have kept thoseback in the bill, they are put back in and so they would be retiring members that retireon or after january 1, 2018 would continue to be able to choose those options. they aregoing to be under a different name, but they will still be available and so that wouldbe the 100 percent pop up, 50 percent pop

up. and what else is going on is that a lotof the other options, the more esoteric ones, they are going to be folded into what i wouldsay kind of a catchall. it's called a flexible beneficiary options that you will be ableto name a multiple beneficiary and specify the amount that you want to provide to themin retirement. so at this point, it's more of a cleanup and a streamlining of the existingoptions going forward than it is wholesale elimination of options. okay. additional questions?>> this is vena from orange county. melissa's question about the options and you just mentionedabout i think it is customized options where they have multiple beneficiaries so they arethinking of getting that out or keeping that? >> no, no. that would be a lot of the morei would say less popular options. what we

are doing is folding the features that arecontained in those options into a new flexible beneficiary option so they would still beable to choose those features, but it is just under one name.>> thank you. >> other questions for scot?>> should we open it up? >> oh, gosh.>> stunned us silent. >> this is not going to be posted on the internet.>> thank you for your help. [laughing] >> thank you for your patience. okay.>> also for those of you on the webcast i have received a couple of notifications thatthe video was cutting in and out so i have alerted our tv specialist and they are workingon that. thank you for your patience and hopefully

it will be fixed soon. moving onto the nextitem, we have heather hurff joining us from the employer account management division.>> okay, i'm not quite as tall. good afternoon. year regarding misreported school employees.this proposal would allow misreported schooled in place that were reported to calpers thatwere subject to coverage under calstrs to actually remain reported to calpers. i wassupposed to go to that slide already. so the members this would apply to, as you all know,with ab 963 it clarified the ed code on creditable service on identified members who were misreportedto calpers so the preschool teachers, directors of hr, those were the two that we definitelyidentified so that would allow those people to stay reported to calpers and not be backedup and send to calstrs. so it would also apply

to misreported members identified due to theretirement system election so the election if it was given in error, anyone who was involvedin one of these retractable adjustments knows that it's a mess and usually the member isnot happy with the decision. so we believe that this proposal will be positive for bothmembers, employers and everyone involved in cases such as these. similar to calstrs 8963,persable proposed legislation that will allow applicable members a choice and it will offera one time election for the designated period to have the employment reported to calstrsif they are eligible. there will be no action required of the members wants to stay reportedto calpers and there's also no requirement for calpers, calstrs or the employer to identifythese members. there's a possibility many

members are unaware that they are misreported,but from our experience when members are identified and adjustments required by current law, manymembers are not happy and wish to stay as they are. so this saves the member from financialimpacts including social security impacts as well as saving you the employer calpers,strs, many hours of resources. so looking ahead, the proposal would only apply to memberswho are misreported prior to december 31, 2017. the employers will be required to correctmisreported members and rolled on or after january 1, 2018. and when a member takes aposition on or after january 1, 2018, employers will be required to enroll the member appropriately.calpers will continue education efforts, partner with calstrs to ensure employer's generalmembers and the correct system and we are

also looking to make future system changesto ensure correct reporting of school employees at calpers including additional questionson the enrollment screen in mycalpers when processing the calpers calstrs election. soat this time if anybody has any questions or concerns they would like to share. i gota thank you [chuckling] >> question.>> one moment please. >> sheila walker, department of education.if a person has been misreported prior to december 31, 2017, they can still be misreportedafter december 31, 2017. they never have to change.>> unless they change positions. so right now for instance, they were a preschool teacherand they were reported to calpers. if they

change into another position going forwardthat is reportable to strs they need to be reported to strs. if they continue in thatposition they can continue to be misreported as they are for that position.>> so a preschool teacher that becomes a preschool site supervisor that's a change in positionso they would need to be reported to the correct one or the correct>> or they may be eligible for the retirement system election.>> thank you. >> i'm catherine from southern county superintendentof schools. i'm curious if we already made a correction a couple of years ago when thisfirst happened that we first found out and make corrections, could we then go back ifthose folks want to stay with pers and i almost

hate to ask this question because it was anightmare doing it the right way but we actually could probably give them the opportunity tomaybe go back into pers? >> thank you for that idea. again we are proposingthis and we want to get this feedback. at this time that was not planned consideringthere have been some issues that we have run not go down that path because of that. whatwe have done is at this time, if we identify somebody who's misreported, we are holdingoff. we are identifying them, keeping track of them and based on this legislation we willdecide whether we need to go forward with those retroactive adjustment or whether wecan allow them just to be left alone. >> over here on the left.>> i have a question. our hr director, we

don't require a credential. it's not a strsposition, it's a pers position at our county office of she should never have been a strsmember. she can continue to be a pers member and i don't have to do anything.>> if they are reportable two person that's been determined just keep reporting them topers. i don't know on the calstrs side what it was about certain directors of the chartthat were determined to be creditable. i think it just had to do with what they were doing[overlapping speakers] >> i talked to calstrs about this. this kindof misinterpreted what the credentialing people say, what is the credentialing called? thereis some misinterpretation there in the way they they say hr directors require credentialand they do it the supervisor duplicate staff,

but not all hr supervisors supervise so oursdoes not require credential so when they came out saying all hr director should be a memberof calstrs, that's not necessarily true. >> you are working with strs on that?>> yes. >> okay.>> quick question, we have a preschool teacher reported to calpers incorrectly and then theytake a certificate of both position, they will be eligible for right of election tostay into pers? >> and there is nothing will there be somethingto identify them? am concerned if they are reviewed later on how are you going to notei guess it's just based on what the legislation went into effect?>> if someone's identified later on, we will

look at the date that they were hired intothat position and if it was before this date they would be allowed to stay reported asthey are. >> vena from orange county. strs had revisedthe form for right of election effective july. >> recently.>> recently. between pers and strs, is there some circular directive going to come in themeantime before this is all taking care of? >> or we will have to wait until this is done?>> we have to wait for this to go through and be accepted and if it is then of course,there will be a circular letter just like with 963 a circular letter came out from strs.we would do the same. >> okay, thank you.>> any other questions for heather? not seeing

anything come in through the webcast basede mail which makes me fear for the webcast, by the way but i have no way of knowing.>> thank you very much. >> thank you heather. [applause]>> next up we have rosanna castain to give her comments on working after retirement.>> hello, good afternoon. how are you? i am rosanna castain and i will be getting a veryquick overview of calpers working after retirement statutes but first, i will mention legislativechanges in the statutes that calpers will be proposing to be effective in 2018. thefirst is to modify the consequences for a first violation is everything okay? [off mic]okay. slide one. i'm sorry. you are fine. sorry about that. they first proposed legislationwould be to modify the consequences for a

first violation of three of the working afterretirement restrictions. currently there is a one size fits all violation and that isreinstatement from retirement and termination of the retirement benefit. the second proposedlegislation similar to the penalty for not enrolling a member timely is to charge employersa late fee for not enrolling a retiree with calpers when they are hired as a retired annuitant.as required by law. the current consequence for the violation of the statutes is reinstatementfrom retirement, that is termination of the retirement benefits and the proposed legislationwould provide a lesser penalty for the first violation and then reinstatement for a secondviolation. the reason for proposing to give calpers the authority to charge the employeeis a fee for not enrolling retired annuitant

is to encourage compliance with existing lawso there is a law that employers are to enroll retirees as a retired annuitant in mycalpersand it's not widely done. because our executive officers has not yet signed on to specificsof either proposal, we can't share the details with you today but wanted you to be informedthat these changes are being proposed. now for the working after retirement overview,and for this presentation we are going to have some handouts available. we can havethem passed out at the end. they just list our online resources for the employers andthe retirees and so when i'm going through this you don't have to worry about takingnotes. it's all available in that because i'm going to give a very, very high leveloverview. all righty. calpers calstrs. i know

a lot of you have been waiting to hear thisand here we go, calpers retirees can be employed in certificated positions that qualify formembership in calstrs without restrictions. only permitted employment that complied withare working after retirement statutes. we recently received clarification that thiswas not the legislative intent of pepra thus it is not subject to calpers restriction.so i can take questions at the end if anyone wants to discuss that them. okay, requirementshold on. all right, retired annuitant employment. reinstatement from retirement. we think thehistory of the word was actually rehired annuitant and it sort of morphed into retired annuitantbecause it was easier for people to say so these statutes listed in the slight includethe provisions for how soon retirees can begin

working after their retirement date, the typeof work retirees can perform, the amount and type of compensation retirees can be paidand the total number of hours a retiree can work for all employers in a fiscal year. okay,so what are the requirements to work after retirement? new retirees must meet two differentweight. a wait period for our purpose is a period of no employment between the retirementdate and the first date of post-retirement employment the first is a bona fide separationand service. there are 2 conditions that must be met to make a bona fide separation, firstthere is no agreement before retirement to work after retirement. and there are 60 daysof no implements between the retirement date and the first day of post-retirement service.this requirement must only be met by retirees

who are younger than the benefit formula ageon their retirement date. so, for example, if a retiree who is on age fifty two on theretirement date and has highest is that formula age, his formula is to present at 55, he mustmeet this bona fide separation service. 180 day wait period is the second. this is partof pepra and it requires a 180 days off no employment between the entire midday and thefirst date of post-retirement employment unless there's an allowable exception. the most commonexception for school employers is the employer certification resolutions where the employercertifies the nature of the employment, that the appointment is necessary to fill a criticallyneeded position before the 180 days have passed and that the appointment has been approvedby the governing body of the employer and

in a public meeting. the governing body forschool invoice is the county office of education. wait period for existing retirees. we actuallydon't see this violation very much. retirees who collect unemployment insurance for previousretired annuitant work must serve a wait period of 12 months before being rehired as a retiredannuitant. employers are required to enroll and report payroll for retired annuitant.and players are required by statute to enroll all retired annuitant and the mycalpers systemupon hire and to report a role in the form of the hourly pay rate and hours worked. thereare 2 types of appointments, extra help an interim vacant positions. if you could goto the slide please. there we go. that's it. thanks. so what are the retired annuitantsrestrictions? for extra help appointments,

they are limited duration work, the statutestates a retired person can be employed either during an emergency to prevent stoppage ofpublic business or because the retired person have skills needed to perform work of limitedduration. examples of limited duration work are the elimination of a backlog, specialprojects and to perform work in excess of what regular staff can do. limited durationwork is not a permanent or regular staff part time position. second restriction is 960 hoursper fiscal year for all employers combined. there are no exceptions or extensions to thislimit. there was a provision for an extension but it was removed in 2013. in mycalpers systemsends courtesy letters to the retiree and the employer when the hours worked are reportedreach 70800 hours. so compensation, compensation

for retired annuitants is limited to the hourlypay rate for the position as listed in the employers publicly available a schedule withno other compensation and no benefits and there are no exceptions to this. slide 4.yes. this is it. okay, so how do interim vacant appointments differ from extra help? one,they are made by the governing body of the employer so this is for positions like, forexample, a vice chancellor of a community college, a superintendent of the school district.what are the restrictions for the interim vacant positions? they are all of the extrahelp restrictions plus there must be an active recruitment to the higher a permanent employeefor the vacant position before a retiree can be hired or can be appointed. a retiree canbe appointed only once to the position. so

termination of retirement for unlawful employmentso the consequences of the unlawful employment is the termination of the retirement or reinstatementfrom retirement. when a retiree is found to be unlawfully employed, current law requiresreinstatement from retirement and that the retiree repays calpers the retirement allowancereceived during the period of unlawful employment, a member contributions for the period of unlawfulemployment and the retiree it may be required to reimburse calpers for administrative expensesincurred in handling the unlawful employment. calpers for the administrative expenses incurredin handling the unlawful employment. therefore, we consider the equal responsibility of theretiree and the employer to ensure compliance with these statutes. are there any questions?>> one moment.

>> francis from la county. does this all uplike to retired annuitants who come to work through a third party management company orwhat they call themselves an independent contractor? >> okay, this is there is confusion with this.the fact that a person might be hired through a third party employer, that they may havea contract that purports to be an independent contractor does not necessarily mean thatis the case. in fact, a lot of the violations we see are where there is a purported independentcontractors/consultant cloak or employee of a third party employee when they are in fact,employees so that does not automatically, just because someone else pays the salaryor the pay rate doesn't do that. what we recommend that you do is if they are doing work thatemployees do, certainly if they retired from

a position and they can't come back into thesame work as an independent contractor. it would not make sense if it was a true independentcontractor position, they would not have earned we hire an independent contractor so it needsto be that. we recommend if somebody is going to work as an independent contractor thatthey get a determination from calpers before the employment starts. so our member servicesarea there is a unit kind of the sister unit of ours that makes those determinations. thereis a question there that the employer fills out and the worker fills up as well and werecommend that anybody who wants to do that work get that determination before they beginworking? >> actually no. it's just forgetting the 180day wait period exception

an calpers going to go after the district?>> that's two different things. the 180 day wait period resolution exception, that resolutionhas to be passed by the county office of education because that's the entity that contracts withcalpers. that's the governing body. for an independent contractor determination thatwould be handled with the hiring employer so the district, yes. yes, vena. [chuckling]we were talking last week. 21229? under both sections. i'm saying inthe same fiscal year can they hire the same person first under one as interim but theycould not fill it, the person worked 960 hours and then they hire a short term for excessworkload under the other. that would be good? >> let me sort out your questions. that 960hours is for all employers for all calpers

employment.>> all of it. >> combined. does that answer the question?>> yes, it does. i just wanted to make sure because we have a situation and i want tomake sure there is no other possibility. them and they are working 540 it may not bethat your reporting is inaccurate. they may be working for another calpers employer whosealso reporting them so that's kind of one of the unique things about mycalpers in thatrespect. nonqualifying, where they might contributeinto strs system. i was hoping you would kind of clarify that.>> okay, so >> pers retiree accepting a certificated jobwhere they can qualify in to strs system.

under pers and contributing to strs system.>> >> because of the pepra changes. that's whatmy understanding is from your office. >> so we reverse that.>> as of today? >> no actually a couple of months ago. [chuckling]what happened was let's see, probably the easiest way to describe it is to go back tothe law before pepra. where the perl acknowledge that pers and strs were two different retirementsystems so if the employment qualifies for membership in calstrs meaning it is only acertificated, it's a teaching position, however you do that. not classified. but yes, a calpersretiree can work as a teacher in a certificated position and contribute to membership in calstrsbecause calstrs is a separate retirement system

in this regard, yes, they can do that.>> okay, thank you. >> you are welcome.>> ramona cooper with stanislaw. up front. >> no. that everybody here that question?okay, no. if the position qualifies for membership in calstrs, they are not a calpers retiredannuitant. so the restrictions and requirements don't apply. so no, 180 day wait period. youdon't have to report them. it's as it was before pepra. think of it is as it was beforepepra. >> are we going to be receiving a circularletter in regards to this clarification of law?>> actually yes. at the moment all of our publications, the pub 33 reference guide,employer public agency and employer reference

guides are being updated and we will reviseexisting circular letter listed on the handout we have there, which is revised that sameone but all that information will be there in print, but right now since the author riseto the change, when anyone calls our call center, they are given that same informationwe gave them specific information to say it is now okay to work in strs membership qualifyingpositions. anything else? >> not at the moment.>> just a question about employer responsibility for reporting, i know it says currently theretiring employer share equal responsibility and preventing violations and then when youare talking about your proposal, it doesn't mention anything about the employer sharingequal responsibility preventing violations

but i'm assuming there's something in thereabout that as well, right? or is there not? is working at another calpers agency?>> i think that would be a matter of communication. is they will say i did not track might hours,for example, my employer was. or the employer will say we were not tracking the hours. we'veopted up to the retiree. what we see in practice sometimes is when someone gets reinstatedfor unlawful employment as they have to pay back two years’ worth of retirement allowanceand payback for attractive contributions and all that they may sue the employers thinkyou told me this was okay with calpers or likewise. so actually we have done some outreachto other retirement systems just to find out employer is responsible for doing it or somesay the onus is on the retiree. with us, i

mean historically this has been an honor system.i think everybody kind of knew that in the past. mycalpers kind of change that and it'sgreat we can capture that by having them enroll it's not when it comes in the next audit youwill all be dealing with it. likewise we think the retiree wants to work, has a responsibilityto know what are the requirements as well and if both are educated then it's likelyto have compliance and so if the retiree should be tracking their own hours separately fromwhat the employer says because the letters in mycalpers are courtesy. they are only asgood as the payroll reporting that happens. letter and the hours don't match. if the payrollis reported timely like whatever the regular intervals are for reporting, they are likelyto be more accurate, but if an employer does

retroactive employer of three months at onetime, the latter may have some hours off and they will have a different take and thosekinds of things. when we have questions like that we send them over to payroll reportingto sort it out and explain to the retiree by the hours are what they are, but we don'ttrack that. that's a courtesy for our retirees and our employers. does that answer your question?does that help? >> [off mic]>> we need a microphone. first violation. strike one.>> first slap on the hand goes to melissa. it, but we don't know their aggregate hours.>> okay, this is another thing, you might ask. the reason i say that is a lot of timessorry what we find sometimes is that employers

are not aware they have hired a retiree. retireesapply for permanent positions. they don't tell the employer and it's not until in somecases not until in some cases until they hit 1,000 hours that they found out this guy isretired. so you will see in the new publications that we come out, we have listed things thatemployers should do when hiring anybody and it doesn't have to be related to age becausedisability retirement can be at any age and so what we are recommending employers do whenyou go to hire people is let them know you are a calpers agency, asked them if they area calpers retiree and if so what kind they are. that is the only way you can actuallyprotect yourself because if they get reinstated you end up with them as your active employeeand the consequences can be something you

did not budget for as well and so that iskind of what we are looking at there. stuff like that it is in reactions to theviolations we see. what are the patterns that we look at, what can we do to better informand inform retirees and employees and we are putting the same information in the pub 33and the employer guide and the checklist and everything. so it's like we are trying toget things so there is no excuse that i did not know. that's one of the things. so wehave some ideas that we are kind of looking forward to with even some other publicationsand maybe more things on our website as well. this site and then we will take a quick breakand move on. we have 4 more robust items to get here so don't want to run out of time.>> thank you. this is carol from butte college.

i have a question regarding the piece thattalks about having just one appointment. they made only be appointed one time to the position.for a situation we have where we have a position that probably could be a classified positionbut never has been so it's not like there is a vacancy now, but has been filled by aretired annuitant and in our district every fiscal year we do a process through hr wherewe do we authorizations for people. that retired annuitant has probably been with us for alittle over two years now, maybe three years and continues to come back and does not exceedthe 960 hours, gets reauthorized every july 1, but it is still to the same position, isthat considered still one appointment or just by the fact that we reauthorized every yearand it would probably fall under the extra

help appointment working on a special project,excess of what regular staff can do at this point,.>> for extra help positions that is fine. >> terrific. okay, thank you, rosanna. muchappreciated that information so let's go ahead and take a quick 10 minute break. stretchyour legs, get a drink and we will come back and hit the rest of our items. people arebe lining it for rosanna right now. run, run! [ break in event ][ break in event ] [off mic]let's take our seats please. all right, thank you very much. let's go ahead and take ourseats. we have quite a bit of material left so let's go ahead and get started. up first,we are going to have lolita lueras come up

and give us an update on off salary schedulepay. thank you. >> hello everyone. i am lolita lueras fromthe compensation review units. i see familiar faces so hello. i am here to speak about offsalary schedule pay. a note was brought up at the last seac meeting so i wanted to justgo over the new interpretation or the clarified interpretation of off salary schedule payand the reporting requirements of the previous interpretation went or offered for an on salaryschedule increase as well as then off salary schedule payment be reported so long as itdid not exceed a combined 6 percent. so there was a lot of questions regarding that interpretationand we took the opportunity to go ahead and conduct some research and went and lookedat the legislative intent behind the off salary

schedule payments and found that the languageused in the definition of off salary schedule payment in the california code of regulations5718, it used the term in lieu of a salary increase for a fiscal year. our research showedthat that meant it was either one or the other. reported up to 6 percent as per the regulation.so there is going to be a circular letter sent out with that information. it is in thefinal stages of being approved so we hope to have it out quickly so you have that informationto reference. i know a lot of the county offices want to get that information out to the districtsso they have something to point too. we are there with you and doing our best to get thecircular letter out as soon as possible. that's all i have so i will take questions.>> i saw a hand up in the back.

>> napa county. we i think initiated thisquestion when we send an inquiry to pers, pers came back in writing saying that yes,we could do the off salary schedule payment and our retro and off salary schedule paymenthave been in the same month so i questioned if we can do both in the same month. it cameback as long as it does not exceed 6 percent. we went ahead and put that in payroll, uploadedit. nothing errored out, which is my next question, why doesn't it air out and thenwe are told this after the fact. so now we have to go back and back all of those ospsout. this is crazy. so it would be very helpful to have that guidance, correct when we askfor it as opposed to a month later after it's already been processed in payroll and thentold differently?

case by case basis to determine whether ornot retroactive corrections are needed. so we hope to come to a conclusion that we canshare with the group on how we want to go ahead and take care of each of the cases ona general basis, but for right now if you basis to determine whether or not retros arerequired. as far as the payroll reporting error, the way the system is set up, as longas all of the information that is required is in the payroll line you are attemptingto report it will accept it. there is nothing built into the system at this time to errorout the reporting of a special compensation item and tie it to any regulations or anythingof that kind before reporting it? numbers you are reporting. unfortunately wedon't have anything built in that would make

the system and intuitive in creating an errorfor you. it's something i would love to look in to and we will take the suggestions backto see if we can work with our developers to get something in. thank you.>> a question back here and then to ramona and a few others.>> when you say off salary schedule pay, would that be considered the same as a bonus, aone-time bonus? >> i think the terms are a little interchangeablefor our school employers. they may call it a one-time bonus know that there is an itemof special compensation and 5718 called a bonus for superior performance so if it istruly a bonus, then this 6 percent limitation on salary schedule would not apply. it justneeds to be for superior performance, have

requirements and them at a loss for wordsbut it needs to have a plan in place for the criteria to receive the bonus and the numberof other things in that definition a bonus so that meets that definition than the 6 percentdoes not apply. but if what you are calling a bonus meets the definition of off salaryschedule pay than it does apply so if you have a situation you are not sure if it'sa bonus or off salary schedule pay reach out to the contact center and we will help you?>> onetime monies they will distribute to the employees, all the employees getting anequal amount, that would be reportable? >> is that credible to the final compensation?>> if it meets the requirements of again there was no pay increase then yes, it would beincluded in the final compensation.

>> thank you.>> you are welcome. negotiation and they may extend further thenyou anticipated. i would suggest that you hold off on reporting off salary schedulepay until negotiations are done to see if it is reportable. the other option is to goahead and report it and if there isn't on salary schedule increase granted than a reversalwould be required. >> so the second option would apply. you canreport the payment to the system but if it's determined it needs to be reversed, we willbe in contact to let you know that reverses are required and the contributions will haveto be returned to the member by the employer. >> question here and then.>> i'm anita lopez sacramento county schools.

we have a district that was recently auditedby calpers. had off salary schedule payments in 13 14, '14 '15 and now calpers is statingthey have to back them all out and re report them and this is the information they hadit was reportable at the time. why would they need to do that, why do we have to correctit? >> okay.>> so should i -- i mean we have not backed it out and reported it. the timing is justa lot of work so we were waiting to come in here to find out is this actual or not.>> i'm interested in researching a little bit more, so if you meet with me afterwardsof give you my call and can look in to see what's going on.>> i would love that.

>> of course.>> ramona coker. so over the years, just like when anita is saying, we've had multiple districtsthat have paid this one time and under the direction of the time it was as long as itwas not over 6 percent. are we supposed to contact you to try to case by case see ifwe have to try to determine who or just let it go and hope it's never found? [laughing]i would like to just let it go. >> at this point, i think we are trying tofinalize what plan of action we are going to take for anything reported in the pastwhat this point i would request you hold tight and we will reach out to the agencies if wedo need to make any adjustments we will reach out to the agency to get information on whatemployees this may affect. so at this point,

hold tight.>> anna from riverside. we have districts that schedule a special payment first andthen a month later a salary increase. the salary increase will always take precedenceregardless if the off schedule payment was paid first?>> we have to look at the urn period for both, so it's an off salary schedule payment waspaid at the end of the year and was technically for the year prior and then in on salary scheduleincrease was given prospectively then they could potentially both be reported so we needto first identify what the earned period is for the off salary schedule payment as wellas when the on salary increase was effective, so if you are running into situations whereyou're not quite sure whether or not the off

salary schedule payment is reportable, callthe contact center and we will be more than happy to look into it.>> i know it's by fiscal year but both of them ours for the same fiscal year they justpay the special payment first and then six months later they negotiated a salary increase.>> if the salary increases renter for the entire year than the on salary schedule increasewould take precedence over the off salary. >> [off mic]>> yes. >> any other questions?>> okay. >> thank you.>> thank you very much. [applause] okay, next up we have a dual performance bychristopher owen and veronica and they will

let us know about calpers employer workshops.>> dual performance. i did not realize we were let's find our>> good afternoon. thank you for your patience in letting us get organized up here, so beforewe begin the material we are going to be covering it's actually in your packet. it's the circularletter that's going to talk about workshops, health workshops and social security workshopsso just want to make sure everyone has that in their packet. we have some available uphere if you don't have it. >> it is in your packet. it's just a coupleof slides back you will see it says circular letter all public agency and school employees.that one. >> thank you. so basically those that don'tknow me on christopher owen the health marketing

manager for the calpers health program sobasically what my unit does is we bring on new public agency and school employer's intothe calpers health program. we have a good onboarding experience to bring your activeand retired members into the calpers health program and we do retention, outreach, whichsome of you may be a where of now with different districts maybe considering a change, maybeleaving the covers health program or looking at all the options available and seeing whatis the best decision for your agency for health insurance. and with me is veronica and i willlet her introduce herself and talk about the program.>> hello. my name is veronica and i'm the manager of the social security program benefitsarea so what we are doing right now is besides

bringing new agencies who do not have thesocial security agreement with the government we are also doing some outreach and educationso employers know what benefits are available to employees and what resources are availablefor you as an employer so that's basically what we are doing right now.>> and we will get into it a little bit further about the when, where, and how, which is theschedule of all the different workshops for health and social security. and we will talkabout why we are doing this and then take time for questions. so how many folks areout there or districts are in the calpers health programs now. great. so we've beenaround since 1967 for public agency and school employers to join. the reason we are doingthis is to try to sort of mimic the best practices

that the team has put together to go out toexisting as well as prospective agencies and do a workshop and we've never done that beforeso different districts can take a look at other districts that are in the program, lookat how it's working out for them and districts in the program can sort of get a renewed educationof what the program offers and see if there are changes they might want to make in theprogram. also we do for our retention outreach for those committees that it's their job everyyear to look at the options and we offer a consultative approach of how it works, whatyour options are so you can make an informed decision for the health insurance for calperswhether you decide to stay or leave or join so both existing and prospective agencies.or it is.

>> so the social security, we are the statesocial security administrator in that duty was given to us by the governor. before thatthe governor's office used to take care of being the social security administrator butsince about 1955 it was given to calpers so we are part of calpers and we are not so insome other states that is actually the office of state administrator or they have theirown office or they are with finance, but we are lucky to have it here with calpers sowe can have all the contact information within the employers we have access to. some of ourduties include to maintain all of the agreements for the social security so any so all of thepaper agreements were signed back in the 50s we are holding. we hold all of the ballots,any questions the employers have regarding

how to interpret the coverage or the exceptionsthat are in the agreement we assist with. we also act as a liaison between social securityand irs and employees and employers and those are all of the duties we are doing right now.we also maintain a database of all of the public agencies end of the whole state ofcalifornia so not just the ones that participate with calpers or they have a social securitydo we contact everyone in the state. >> so just wanted to talk a little bit aboutcontacting everyone in the state. veronica, is going to do a little commercial about informationthat will come out to you to find out more about your agency so we can give you informationabout social security and medicare. we have been kind of realigned as sister units andthe idea behind that is that we can use some

of the data that social security is goingto have to do to gather all of the public agency and schools in the state of california,which is about 8,500. we have about 1200 agencies that are currently contracting for healthinsurance so we want to try to reach out to every public agency and school to let themknow about the calpers health program and since we have to do it for social securityanyway it's kind of the idea behind the alignment of our two units. just to say little bit moreabout the calpers health program in a nutshell we are 1.4 million members, 40 percent ofthat is public agency and school employer's. we boasted very low administrative fee of.31 percent, that is .31 times total active retired gross premium so if we charge of thousanddollars in premiums, administrative fee is

$3.10. it's a very inexpensive plan that youprobably would not find with any kind of a broker or other sort of insurance model thatis out there. as you know, we are not for profit so we get paid the same whether youdecide to join the programs or not and we are here as a consultative approach to giveyou all the information about the program. so that's that. what are we doing? so thereis a copy of the circular of the hyperlink to that information and there is a registrationmodule that we've got where you just go ahead and click on that and the schedule is on thereas well but this is how you sign up for the programs. we would encourage you to sharethis information with your districts if they are interested in joining the workshop foreither social security or for the calpers

helpline. and let me get to why are we doingthis. the unique thing for you as school employer's as you can come up with your own vesting scheduleas long as that vesting schedule is agreed to in a collective bargaining agreement calperswill administer that agreement. so we have been seeing more schools that have decidedto do 30, 40 even 50 years vesting in order to get any kind of employer contribution asa retiree. this is really helpful for those that are trying to limit your opeb liabilityand i know that's kind of a big thing these days that everyone seems to talk about asthe reporting requirements have changed so you have to do more of that each year foryour opeb liability. and for social security >> we want you to be aware of the coveragethat is available to your employees. what

options do you have and any possible or applicableoffsets that employees may be subject to so if their employee did not always pay intosocial security when they returned they might not have enough credits or the benefit maybe reduced so that is the mission for you to make your employees aware of that and alsomake sure you are in compliance so if you do not have an agreement and you would holdthe taxes you might not be in compliance and that may mean also that the member maybe affectedand not get the proper benefits at the end so we want you to avoid all of that beforeit is too late and before they go to retire and they don't have the money saved up tosubsidize their retirement income or the medicare benefits. that's what we want.>> just to also include, we've been getting

a lot of inquiries about the actual presentationswe are doing at these workshops and if they can get a copy of the powerpoint and so forth,absolutely. you can contact us. we have information on that in a moment. we are happy to sharethe powerpoint. just know that this is a pilot project. this is something that is new forus. we are trying to solicit information from agencies that are already in or thinking aboutjoining either of the programs so we will get some more data to see how well it's beingreceived and probably come up with another round of workshops once we get some data tosee how people are liking it, if they find it useful or not. and from there is a webinaror some other kind of idea comes out of that, we might do that as well. we will see howthis goes. i mentioned if you wanted to contact

us, this is kind of unique because this isnot the contact center. it directly comes to health marketing unit or the social securityunit. we have a dedicated telephone line for each one of those areas. so feel free to usethem. just as long as it's about health marketing questions or social security. at this timethere's plenty of time for questions so we are at your disposal.>> actually chris, let's go ahead and take our first webcast question here, so some ofthese workshops are far away from the calaveras county office of ed, is there anything interms of like printed materials folks can review. you mentioned a webinar down the road,can you comment on that? >> for individual agencies that would likeus to come out and do a presentation if they

are in the program and thinking about recognizingan employee group interested in joining, we are happy to come to a presentation to seewhat options are available or is an agency is looking to change their employer contributionto the pemca minimum or something like that, we get a lot of inquiries about that. we arehappy to do one off him presentations that are tailored to the agency questions.>> we can share the powerpoint information as well.>> vena from orange county. we have our first contract like you used the date 1949 50, afterthat i have never seen ever i mean i have been there for a long time [laughing]but i don't have ever any agreement regarding because it was a voluntary agreement, therewas no official paperwork between districts

and social security. only thing other thanthat we have is when we did our medicare elections, the voluntary elections, we don't have anythingelse. do you have it? >> we probably have it. send us an e mailor a give you information and we can e mail it to you.>> i thought i a long time ago when don evans used to be in that unit in social security,you might not know, but old lady, [laughing] >> i remember don evans.>> so i did ask her at the time and that's what my understanding is, there was not becauseit was just a voluntary thing, and nobody did any paperwork.>> the voluntary you actually have to sign. the mandatory is the one you do not have tosign an agreement but when it's voluntary

>> but what i mean is there was no paperworkbecause i did ask for it? >> it usually goes [overlapping speakers]>> so we can send it to you or tell you yes infected does not exist.>> those are the only two things we have. >> okay. we will provided to you.>> or we will give don evans a call and see how she is doing in retirement. [chuckling]and alice. >> [off mic][chuckling] >> any other questions for me or for veronica?come on you guys. all right, thank you very much.>> thank you, both. appreciate it. [applause] next up is my pleasure to introduce to youthe man simply known as the titan of mycalpers.

it is tim herrback.>> i am no steve jobs but i'm pretty close. [chuckling]this is going to take me a second to log in. >> i did a dry run through with this and youthink it would be able to do this pretty well. >> [off mic]>> now i have to figure out how to minimize the screen without a mouse. i can just dothis. there we go. all right, back on track. sorry about that. can everybody hear me? wonderful.so first, the screen is something new, something also and something great, but i don't wantto talk about it yet. what i do want to talk about is new enhancements coming out in augustthis year so august 13 is our next major release. ramona if you are working overtime at august12 and thirteenth take that weekend off because

that's the next big release weekend. anywaysthat's going to be the next big release weekend so if you've staff looking to work over timeyou may want to have them take vacation that weekend from mycalpers but the couple of thingswe have going into the august 13 release is business partners to now view totals and priorto processing payroll reports and this is not really that big of a story for many ofyou because you file submission, but for those entities that do online reporting or createa manual adjustment report one of the biggest concerns we've had from employers is theycan't see the actual financials where they copy forward or create until they processit and when they process it it's 100 percent error free it will automatically post so nowwhen you copy forward or create that initial

report you can see the contribution totals,earning totals. before you go into processing the annual report to make sure they are thereso that's one of the biggest request people want to see what does that look like beforewe process the report. that's going into the august release and we also are enhancing thepayroll reports summer report. currently u.s. employers requested that on the summary forcalpers to display total contributions by rate plan including the total sum of all thesecontributions by earn period and previously the report would not give this you would haveto do it in excel and filter so the report will now have the additional columns on theside to show the total sum of contributions and an additional row on the bottom to showthe totals for the columns in the report so

we are actually doing totals now for you soif excel challenged, there are some of you out there that are excel challenged, we aredoing this for you. i'm not naming any names. [chuckling]the next is another cognos report the report member detail report. this is specific cognositself and what it's used for is to show total earnings, total contributions, total specialcompensation for entire fiscal year for all employees or by one participant. and whatthe report will now do is improve the input parameters so you can actually identify thefiscal year or the rate plan or participant to see all the data as a lump sum by fiscalyear. we are also going to display earnings, contributions, service credit and specialcomp data based on that and before we rolled

it into one so was not easily identifiablewhat we were talking about. we are going to summarize the total so you don't have to dothat in excel and employer provide employers information related to data. which basicallymeans if you contract for safety and miscellaneous we will provide stuff that you are contractedfor. so it will be specific to the employer. if your district to get it for just the districtor county office you get it for yourself and all of your district so it's a good report.we had a couple of requests from employers who want this information and it's not easilyaccessible it requires us to get a security agreement in place with you and it takes abouttwo weeks then we send it for you so this is hopefully a one-time customer service youare generating yourself, so you know longer

rely on us. it's a good enhancement. the nextone, i think, will be a big one. we will allow business partners to view fiscal years priorto 2011 12 and service history so i know you can in theory go to transaction history andsee all pre mycalpers data, but that does not have all the service history postings.the pages are not necessarily in sync so we are going to get both the service historyand person search and look at the contributions, service history page and transaction pagewithin the next to releases will almost be identical in total navigation usability. itwill be available and then we will have some information on service history which leadsme into the next thing which in september, which is our next release we will get thesereleases and before the ed forum so when i

get there you are all happy we have the stuff.so in september we are actually going to modify the transaction history page and this is somethingabout because when i'm helping you try to identify payroll and records airing out andwhy we are going back, and sometimes a person has more than one appointment and you tryto look at multiple fiscal years, and transaction history you can only select when you're ata time and there's no details. a person has multiple women's within the district you canfilter by the appointment to see the listing. we don't have details on it that also if youlook at the transaction history, pre mycalpers, it's very hard to decipher which one it goesto, so in september, we are going to now bring the transaction history page in line withthe service history page, add a lot more search

features, filter criteria. we will have somethings on the bottom of it and increase the export to excel options are you connect multiplefiscal years instead of just one because some employers have said i want to see 4 fiscalyears and after run this multiple times and then run it. so we will make these modificationsand hopefully it will help you streamline looking at prior transactions and resolvingerrors timely. we really don't like knowing there are payroll errors at 22011 so we aretrying to help you get as much information as possible to help get these things all resolved.again not naming any names. [chuckling] the next we are changing this is one of thosethings that they kind of want me to talk about and kind of don't want me to talk about. sowe are changing the survey and the payroll

survey for the better. when we will not keepsending out those surveys every 30 days. it will be every 90 days now and we are alsoallowing you to identify who you are because what we are hoping is that as we are makingthese great changes you will start to give us feedback of how awesome the payroll unitis and how great we are working on resolving problems and they want to hear those becauseit's something that's reportable, so please just don't say this is horrible. i hate thissystem. we want to hear you guys have made awesome changes. as a matter of fact, i hadan employer call me. it wasn't because of me, i took the credit, but not because ofme and she called and said i'm so glad you are modifying these reports because it's givingme relevant information. you are doing an

awesome job, keep it up and i said okay, thankyou that's what i do. it had to do about the surveys and brad and his team looking at thesurvey so we are hoping that the survey itself you get every 90 days, if you have changerequests like i know vena came up today. she had some great awesome ideas how to streamlinepages and make it more user friendly. put that in the surveys. just don't tell us howbad we are doing. that's the kind of stuff we are looking for, but we are helping tomodify the surveys and have different verbiage, feel free to put your information in. so thatservice. those are all the enhancements i have that our external facing an impact youthe most between august and september. i know there's a lot more great stuff happening indecember, which is the next release after

the forum but because we are still in likeanalysis phase it's kind of knew for me to talk about, but i do know there's a lot ofgreat stuff on the horizon for december. that being said brings me to this lovely page,what is this lovely page? you are the first, and only because i loved every one of you,each and every one of you, the very first employers to actually hear, see, or understandwhat this is about. it will be implemented august 13. we will do no formal communication,no formal training. there will be nothing going on on august 13. it's a soft launch.the only people who only know this exist is my favorite people and anybody who likes togo crazy searching through the system like what is this, but we are hoping that doesnot happen. i've already launched this to

a couple of agencies beforehand because it'savailable in test environment now and we've had some great reviews. so what is this thingi'm talking about. it's called the accounts receivable tracking activity or what we liketo call the retirement of appointment reconciliation process. i don't have a lot of time to gothrough a formal training so i will try to get through this as fast as i can, have youask questions and answer your question, but it's basically our way of giving visibilityand allow you a user friendly venue to separate all your people who have not reported payrollfor greater than six months or ever. and just off the top of my list here, being schools,appointments with reported payroll that has not been reported since 2016. we have 5,717appointments created go live and we have 9,952

appointments created pre go live where payrollhas not been reported all in 2016. those have [inaudible]. appointments that have neverhad any payroll ever reported to it have never had any health service or anything generated.pre go live, we have about 3,000 appointments. post go live i have 9,000 appointments createdin these are school of women's where payroll has never been reported, ever. these are createdpre 2016 so not including once you guys just submitted trying to beef up my numbers. theseare appointments pre go by. only nine have these appointments have or 10 of them haveit and out of those tend nine have never had any payroll reported and one has been canceledand still payroll not reported so you can see in total we have about 19,000 active appointmentswhere payroll has not been reported at all

or since january 2016. so we have circularletters, education i come and tell you how important it is and you keep telling me thesame thing. i have 5,000 people. i'm not doing a person search and modifying the separationor what am i going to do i can't report payroll. i never was supposed report payroll for thesepeople. we have this new process so we are going to do august 13 is once a month we aregoing to go through every table i possibly can find and get all these people where payrollhas been missing and we will only limit it to from july 120, 1191 days prior becausewe know you have a 30 day monthly pay schedule and 30 days to get it in and because we arebe nice we will give you an additional 30 day grace period for being late plus one dayso it's all payroll missing between 712011

and 91 days prior. we are not excluding anytype of appointment so we include retired a new tense, retirees, dead people, life people,i have active appointments, retired annuitant opponents they are all included the only thingwe are excluding our health only appointments and come september because our developersdid not quite understanding what i was sent by nonqualified, come september we will nolonger list nonqualified, which is service credit purchase periods of time that you arenot responsible for reporting or some converted only data we had to convert where we didn'thave payroll associated to an active employment so between august and september you may seecrazy data but september we will exclude that data as well. this is only supposed to beactive pers member where payroll has not been

reported between july 1 and 91 days back.now that you have an understanding of the batch job we have we have a bunch of filtercriteria. you can see here division, member, appointment status, member account status,i'm only thinking of one small district livermore joint unified school district. active, activedeceit, in active retired so hopefully you can start making some formal decisions onthe state of how you want to tackle this information i'm giving you. if you want to filter by justretirees you can hit search and it will give me the list of just retirees within my searchmenu. you can see now i have individuals within appointment status but they are retired. mostlikely this individual the very first person is a retired annuitant where payroll has notbeen reported in the last 80 days or 30 paid

periods. we have someone who is active againretired and payroll has not been reported for 49 pay periods. the retired annuitantto enroll, but you have not been tracking the hours in mycalpers so what we are tryingto do is give you some visibility to all these people and how many pay periods and that'sbased on your pay schedules. if you multiples pay schedules we try to add some logic toit with all the payroll purported was biweekly, we will combat, if we could not decipher betweenbiweekly and monthly we will do it as biweekly and you will to confirm, but we try to identifyper page do it that's missing. now when you have an option you can do one of two things.one, you can confirm all these payrolls is not reportable. maybe they were on leave ormaybe you had something up there and are not

paying what you want to keep them on the books.you can confirm payroll or you can separate them. i'm going to go the separation processbecause this is the best part about this whole thing and i'm going to go to active statushere. just to kind of show unlike today where if i give you a spreadsheetwhich some of you asked for in the past give me a spreadsheet of all my actives and yougo one by one person search, separate, home profile, person search, separate, home profile,it's taken a while. we have a three minute delay in some of our screens so here you canselect talk, you can individually select people, you can show 25 500 lines of data. but thebest bit is we have created a shopping cart concept where i will select all of these peoplemayday. you can select all these people and

select the maintain bun and it's going toput all of these people in hq select the normal enrollment process you can start separatingthe one at the time. you don't have to do a person search. one after another after another.if you come up with an error, this is for you, if it comes up with an error, guess whati created i have a skip appointment button. i don't want to go back in my search criteria.keep letting me move on. so we took a lot of your comments about how certain navigationsand usability patterns are not there and we put it all into this so now hopefully youcan go ahead and separate all your retirees who are retired annuitant to move on to theretirees were you never separated them. we need a separation date because we need sicklyto be correctly reported or education leave.

and then you can start moving down active,so you can start doing district by district. this information as you can see, as availableat the district level so you can make the district start doing this themselves. if theyhave retirement enrollment aside and to them so they can do separations. the other thingwe can do is that the supplier was created an ever. maybe somebody created multiple appointmentsand payroll was never reported. i'm not talking reported and backed out and say no financialsover list and you can quickly delete the equipment altogether so there's no separation required.we also have the return button on the bottom because i know none of you from the externalperspective can use the browser back button so all pages have a return button. on thevery bottom of this page we have an export

to excel. it's a straight raw data extract.if you have any filters within our filter page it won't be applied to when you exportit so now you can export the raw data into your filters and distribute the informationto districts if you want to let they can see the data. now the other channel as you canactually go and say this person is active, they have 4 missing payroll report so youcan actually review the missing payroll reports we have an we'll show you the earn periods.we have available information in calpers, active, appointment id. at this point, intime you can make one of two decisions, say yes for these paid periods they were on leave,or maybe it's july august. this pay period is like to live every single year this persondid not work. you have to do check all, select

all and confirm and they will no longer showup in this box. or what i've had with the employers who have seen this as we reportedpayroll for this person, why are they showing up on your queue. you may have reported, butyou did underneath the different appointment id. so you have to come here and what we diddo also, she left me. [laughing] you asked for all the stuff on payroll pagesand i'm like wait until my presentation. so because it's all under the employer contextsometimes you have to see that transaction history to see where the data is. i have aquick link up here and this will actually open up a new browser session. it's a popup to take you straight to that transaction history with all the fiscal years and comeseptember release do the check boxes and export

and you will be able to quickly get the transactionhistory without having to get out of this and go to person searching get into it. quickeasy efficient usability so we have all that data. the other thing you can do is the reportsare out there. this is unposted payroll exist. this is an indicator maybe have somebody thathas payroll and an error status and you are working through the errors so it will tellyou this pay period is out. the status that's either ever or unposted and you can correctit, post those records and they will also be removed so you really have either confirm,separate prior to the state or payroll report payroll. hopefully what this is going to startdoing is give you guys some usability to quickly clean up our data because what i see comingdown in the future maybe next year is that

some of the financials and as the startinglooking at gasb data and employer valuations are to come out, you still have valuationsand actuators are looking at this data is we are cleaning it up, so you will have abetter impact for our next year gasb reports, when financial looks at it like total contributionsreported and whether or not you report for all your active people, when auditors comesee this data, we are trying to give you a quick efficient way of cleaning up the data.whether or not you use this as a different story. i can only make it as easy and efficientas possible, but we hope you will use it. i will do a lot more information. most ofyou are like he went quick through this, is there a training guide. i'm working with ourtoy or call center to get the student guides

created and they should have been done bythe added forums so september is when we will clean up a little bit. we know their defectsin here so we will clean them up in september. october is when we will go with the officiallaunch of this to all employers. the official communication and training and in octoberis when the student guides will be available. so from what i understand that given thisto some employers without any training. it's pretty user friendly. there are some requestlike separation date or allow me for this page two separate somebody instead of havinggo back to the search page and we captured all of that and hopefully we will make morechanges in december or next year to improve further usability, but for right now it'spretty stable and in a good place. so that

being said, i am pretty much done with thislittle demonstration. are there any questions regarding anything i went over?>> this is carol from butte. so unvested i see correctly if we bring of somebody on thelist and they have an active appointment but they've never had a role there is a retiredone, but if they weren't active person brought in and we thought we would use as an hourlyand we never had a role to reports, what's it going to show under that last reportedearned period? is it going to be blank and that's when we might choose to just deletethe appointment? >> so they're all filtered a z and z. a. soi just changed and again we will identify whether or not payroll has ever been submittedand we will identify the last period and status.

i just filtered by no payroll report eversubmitted so you can see this person is active, active member and we have 57 paid periodsmissing so most likely they enrolled and never reported payroll for any of these individuals.>> this does not actually show the appointment date, but it does show how many are missingzoological assumptions would tell us that the appointment if we know we redo appointmentsevery 12 months that they did not have a we could delete that.>> if you go to the maintained page we actually provide you the appointment id and the startdate as a column header and whether or not this is tied to health because those of youcontracted for health if you separate some of these people it impacts health so we havesome identified. i did not go through all

the column headers because i did not knowhow much you would let me talk >> you are pushing it right now. [laughing]>> so no problem in doing it if we choose to do it because they maybe had one or twopayrolls and that was for five years ago to entering in an old date like that. it usedto be we had trouble doing that because it was so far back, but that's okay now. nice.very nice. >> any last questions for tim?>> all right, thank you very much. [applause] >> josh, could you come switch the featureback. thank you. all right, our last agenda item is going to be from a colleague of myvery own team, this is sunshine duffy from stakeholder outreach and she's going to giveus an update on the calpers education forum

for 2016.>> i'm a little shorter than tim. all right, so i've got a couple of good news items foryou. i am the last presentation as david said so there's your first one. i'm going to takeabout five minutes of your time number two and number 3 you can kind of start to do thebrain shut down because i'm not going to require like a lot of like dot. this is just informationalonly. you can just follow along with the slides. bless you. so as david said i do work withhim in strategic stakeholder outreach and i'm just going to do a quick overview. handsfor how many people know what the educational forum is. just about all of you. hands againif you have attended. some of you. how many have attended within the past couple of years?okay, so this is just going to be review.

we kind of thought it was important, thisyear we are doing a little bit different things with our marketing, usually we sent out emails telling about what's going on with the educational form. this year we started whois really missing. we find we have a large employer population of schools what you guysare not attending so maybe we need to be more specific and let you know there really issome good content and good reasons for you guys to attend. so first what is the educationalform? you might hear us call it bad for him it's a three day conference that this yearwill happen october 24 through twenty sixth. this conference offered exclusively to ouremployers to learn about how to do business with calpers and we alternate between southerncalifornia and northern californian this year

will be in riverside. and the cost is thereand it's 349 for earlybird so if you get in and registered you can get the earlybird special.after that it's 399. okay, why should i attend. there are sessions specifically for schools.just a quick rundown. calpers program overview for school employer specifically we are havinga roundtable session this year about common audit findings for school employer is an schoolemployers transactions and reporting and review boards opportunities. these are all sessionsthat are customized and specifically for schools. we also have consult rooms if you've neverparticipated this is your opportunity to get face to face with people in finance, actuaryas tim said people that are going to walk you through the mycalpers stuff and stuffwe have we are a captive audience for three

days and what better audience to come andget your questions answered. we also feature exhibits for audit services and networkingwith your peers and so far we have 220 employees i'm sorry, employers who have registered andof that, 46 schools so we are early in the registration process. this is looking good.you guys are having a higher participation then we have seen in the past few years sothat is all good. and then of course, fun activities and specifically there is a boardreception on monday evening of the conference or you get the opportunity to meet board members.there is a walking tour of historic riverside on tuesday evening and after that's on wednesdayat lunch is the keynote speaker which unfortunately at this time since the contract is not finali can tell you who does, but it will be good

and motivational i promise so you are wonderinghow do i register for this wonderful event. you should be getting some e mail communicationfrom us for the calpers educational forum e mail box and they probably look like this.this is a sample of something we have sent out. which goes to the next question whatif i'm not getting this so first make sure your server is not blocking us. i've beenlooking at reports coming back and looking upon the backs and this is probably conversationtim and i need to have later, but there are some employers full list of employers we havecontact for that we are getting bounced back then everyone even though they are actuallive working correct e mail addresses so there could be a problem with receiving incominge mail. maybe we don't have your e mail on

file, is there another employee possibly inyour district that is receiving these e mails and you don't happen to be on these contactlists. these are all things you can go back find out that the office and of course, ifyou want to be receiving these you can always contact us. we have a phone number in thepowerpoint as well as the e mail address you can reach us at. short and sweet. any questions?>> i just have a comment. >> sure.>> i think one of the you talk about why don't we have as many schools participating andi think one of the issues is that there are two segments of school district retirement.there is the school district, the independent school district that is actually paying theperson and reporting up to the county offices

and the county offices that are dealing withyou and doing all the reporting so there are two very different segments of school societies,so to speak that are being served and so i think and i'm sure it's probably too latefor this october forum, but think about it in the future and think about the possibilityof directing some specific workshops to county offices and then also during the workshopskind of differentiating between and reinforcing the relationship between the district andthe county office. i think that will really help. i think one of the reasons may be thatyou don't get as much attendance is because a lot of folks that districts may not evenknow about it. and we as county offices and i'm not necessarily guilty of this. it's notmy job but we might think to ourselves if

it's in the district and they are gettingall this information and does not apply to them and that kind of think, but i know youhave a lot of good information districts can use and i think if it's focused for thoseof you who are on the front lines, this is for you and for those of you reporting tocalpers this is some good information for you, but i know i would be appreciative ofreinforcement of the county office job and retirement reporting during those workshopsand i think it also might be helpful. i think it's what the american payroll associationgives a sample letter that employees can share with their boss asking them to go to a conferenceso it has these are all the reasons why this is what it would do for me, this is how itwould improve our organization so that might

be a suggestion maybe you could come up withsomething like that. i know i would be willing to send out an e mail if i received when i'dbe willing to share with our districts as well.>> great feedback. thank you. >> i changed my seat. one of the suggestionsi just wanted to add to the list is sometime it is expensive, people gone for three daysand that money, if there was a possibility to buy one day option.>> that is something that we've kind of mulled around a little bit, but there is also andwe don't come right out and say, but there's also the possibility of sharing a registration.but say all of your sessions are on monday, but your coworkers sessions are on tuesday,you guys could actually do two for one. one

person comes down for the day and the nextperson comes down for that day. >> it can only happen like that let's sayif it's in riverside we can do that but if it was at some other place they are not goingto fly to people to attend training. >> [off mic]>> strike two. i was watching from back there. [laughing]i was keeping track. [laughing] >> one thing we do at casbo is we offer scholarshipsand we have vendors sponsor scholarships for people to attend the conference foe peoplewho may not have an opportunity in the past to attend might be able to attend on a freescholarship if they apply for just a quick little application and see if you can getsome vendors to sponsor registration.

>> scholarship, that's another idea.>> great, thank you. >> just one more comment. this is carol frombutte and i have attended in the past and it's wonderful and we have new employees wewould love to send them. probably way for northern california for us because it's notjust the registration, which is very doable and we have support from our district budgetsthat transportation and the lodging. but my other comment is it's always those last threeor four days in october and that's payroll time. we would really love to see that movedup even just a couple of days to accommodate the end of the month payroll process.>> thank you. >> terrific. okay, thank you, sunshine, appreciatethat. all right, so that concludes the agenda

items for the meeting. we hope you found thisinformative and beneficial. the next employer advisory committee meeting will be here inthis room again tuesday, november 8. same kind of formats in terms of strs going firstat an intel percent in 2017 we will hammer out those dates and be back across the river.those of you who are still with us on the webcast, any questions that came through forany reason were not addressed we will be sure to follow those to some of the subject matterexperts you saw and heard from today and get those answers result. i also want to beforewe go housekeeping note, some of you may have had to wait a little bit for your lunch thistime that's because some folks came who did not register so it helps us out if you preregisterto make sure that we take care of you and

your not having to wait a little extra bitthere so i was asked to remind you that. so thank you very much, for coming. you are released.thank you to calpers staff for providing information as well. thank you. [applause]

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