what is this? this is chemical burn. it'll hurt more than you've ever been burned and you'll have a scar. what are you doing?
apple quote, guided meditation worked for cancer, it could work for this. stay with pain, don't shut this out. no! no! nooo! god!! look at your hand!
the first soap was made from the ashes of heroes! like the first monkey shot into space! without pain, without scarifice we would have nothing! i tried not to think of the words sear or flesh! stop it! this is your pain! this is your burning hand, it's right here! i'm going to my cave! i'm gonna find my power animal!
no! don't deal with it the way those dead people do! come on! i get the point! okay please! no! what you are feeling is premature enlightment. it's the greatest moment in your life man, and you are off somewhwere missing it! no, i am not! shut up! our fathers were our models for god. if our fathers bailed what does that tell you about god!?
no no, i don't... listen to me! you have to consider the possibility that god does not like you. he never wanted you! in all probability he hates you! this is not the worst thing that could happen. it isn't? we don't need him! we don't! i agree! fuck damnation man! fuck redemption! we are god's unwanted children ... so be it!
listen! you can run water over your hand and make it worse or.. look at me! or you can use vinegar to neutralize the burn. please let me have it! please! first, you have to give up. first you have to know not fear... ...know
that someday you're gonna die. you don't know how this feels! its only after we lost everything that we are free to do anything. ok congratulations. you're one step closer to hitting the bottom.