apple share code

hello, everyone, and welcome to the we are talking all about apple mail tips, tricks, and advice. this is one of thoseclasses where you might think it’s really, really simple, but we have a ton of differentthings that we’re going to be going over today. we are live right now. we have fivehundred people tuning in from literally all over the globe.

apple share code

apple share code, for any of you out there who are watchingthis class after the fact, if you’d ever like to take one of our live classes, theyare a free public service. you can find out more by going to our website at thing you might want to do to help you with the schedule is there’s a newsletterthat we put out once a week. you can sign

up for it. it’s right at the top of thehomepage. well, not the very tippy top, but anyways it’s right there. it takes two secondsto sign up, and no, we don’t sell your information to anyone. don’t worry about that. we’re talking about apple mail. what i didis before i started this class, i threw out a few poll questions at our live audienceto gauge their knowledge and figure out what things we might need to spend more time onthan others. first thing i want to do is talk about one of the things that seems to confusethe most people, which is basically there are two different types of email technologyout there. one of them is referred to as pop. the other is referred to as imap. the differenceis imap syncs.

for those of you out there who have problemswhere your emails do not sync, let’s say you have a mac, an iphone, and an ipad andyou go through and you delete a hundred messages on your computer. then you go to your ipad,and they’re all still there. that is a sign that you are using a pop email account. one of my little pieces of advice that i giveall of my clients who i work with privately is that it’s really ridiculous in 2015 tobe with a pop email service. you really need to be with imap, especially those of you whouse email in business. after all, not only can you not see what messages you’ve deleted,you can’t see what you’ve responded to. if you’re anything like me with my add-soakedbrain, i can’t remember. did i already respond

to that person or not? then i’m sendingfive responses. it’s a good idea to consider switching toan imap account. i’ll give you a few examples. is one of them. gmail is anothervery popular one. there are other services out there that used to be pop that now supportimap, but i tend to steer some of my clients away from. basically the two universal ones that i tendto say work for most people are either or gmail. the difference, as far as whichone i recommend over the other, is if you already have an apple id, it might be easierto use gmail, because it can get kind of confusing otherwise. for most people, it’s going toend up being gmail, but icloud is another

good alternative. i have just basically a million bullet pointshere on my screen. i’m just going to shoot through them and show you all these greatlittle tips and tricks. here we go. now please keep in mind that all the email addressesyou’re about to see are all fake, so don’t bother trying to send an email to any of them. first thing is i want to give you two greattricks to take the people who have sent you emails and add them into your saved contacts.that way, you can respond to them, or you can write to them very easily, not just fromyour computer, but if you’re using icloud, which hopefully you are, then you can do itvery quickly from those devices as well. i’m

going to use myself here as an example, okay?this is just a link i had to send to myself for people who wanted to give a contributionto what we do. if you get an email from someone... forgivethe fact that it has my middle initial here twice. it might be a little hard for someof you here live right now to see this, but when you put your cursor over someone’semail address in the message, there’s this little carrot icon. it’s like a downwardpointing arrow. if you click on that with one click, you can hit… shoot. i’m alreadyin it. let’s do a different one. youtube. okay? you can add “add to contacts.” really,really fast way. it saves it into your computer. if you’re using icloud, it’s also nowgoing to be in your phone and your ipad as

well. very, very good trick. now the other thing you may want to considerdoing – i’m going to have to blur this out, i know, in post-production – you’veprobably been sending email for a while. i did a poll question earlier, and i think itwas maybe eighty percent of the people who are here have already been using apple have other people who you’ve corresponded with, who you have not saved. there’s avery easy way with one click to add them once again into your contacts. see up here at the very top, we have file,edit, view? i want you to go to window. here under window, the one, two, three, four, fifthitem down is previous recipients. this is

going to get you access to every single personyou have previously corresponded with. okay? it’s going to bring up this giant one thing you need to keep in mind here – again, sorry, it’s going to be blurredout for those of you who are watching this after the class – is that this is also goingto include if you have misspelled an email address. it doesn’t see the difference betweenright and wrong. if you meant to send someone an email that ended with, and youtyped in “gmail,com”, that mistake is going to be there as well. just be aware ofthat. one thing you should know: whenever you seethese rows right here where it has name, email – sorry, columns – name, email, last used,what this means is that when you click on

these, it’s going to sort it by that method.there’s also this other one right here next to where it says name. if you click on it,it’s going to show you people who are already in your contacts and people who are not alreadyin your contacts. okay? of course, now i’ve got the spinning pinwheelof death. anyways. dear tim cook… what’s going on? okay. let’s go back into that. my point that i wanted to show you there – let’sgo right back to where we were – is that if someone here is not in your contacts, youcan click on their name. with one click of the bottom right, you can hit add to contacts.very easy, and that will be saved. the other thing i want to mention here is:have you ever had this problem where you go

to type someone’s email address, and itbrings up the wrong email address? that’s also from this list. let’s say this personhere, whose info is going to be blurred out in post-production, let’s say this was abad email address or maybe an old email address. if you click “remove from list,” thatperson’s information will no longer show up. it will not be a suggested contact. okay?a little trick to be aware of. next thing i want to do is show you how tocreate a signature. this is really great for business to do this, and by the way, i apologizein advance. we are going to be spending a lot of time here. we’re going to going intowhere it says mail at the top left. second item down is preferences. we have all thesedifferent buttons here. we’re going to go

into signatures, which is the second to thelast one here. i want to show you how to create a new signature.the easiest way to do it is to hit the little plus symbol down here at the bottom. it’sgoing to usually just put in a default email address and name, just whatever you’ve toldit is your name. you can delete this info, and you can put in whatever you want. forexample, i know a lot of people want to put, of course, their phone number. put 555-555-5555.very popular phone number these days. you can put in your website address. if you dothat and the person clicks on it, it will go to the web. it will be an active link. one of the things i want to warn you about,something that has been popular in the past,

some people still like it. personally, i’mnot a fan. yes, it is possible to copy and paste graphics into this. the problem is it’sgoing to show every single outgoing message as having an attachment. it can be a pain for you. it can also be apain for people you’re sending it to, because if they go to sort through your messages andlook for the email that had a legitimate attachment, like a document, it’s going to be very difficultto find. every single email that you’ve ever sent them is going to appear as havingan attachment. my advice is to probably stay away from that. if you want to change up the font, what youcan do is highlight this text and secondary

click. for those of you with a laptop, you’regoing to click with two fingers present on your track pad, or if you want, you can justhold the control key on your keyboard and click. you can go in here to font, and youcan have it show the fonts. you can change it to whatever you want. another little tricki thought i’d show you there. what that’s going to do… sorry, let mefollow through on that. what that’s going to do is we’re going to be able to makethis appear at the bottom of every new message. now to make it do it automatically, there’stwo extra steps that you need to do here. what you’re going to do is you’re goingto need to drag… in this case, mine’s called signature two. i’m going to needto drag this and drop it into whichever email

address i’m using. i’ll use gmail here as the example. i’mgoing to drag it and drop it. see, now it says, “one signature.” there’s stillone more step. click on where it says, “your account here,” and below it says, “choosesignature.” this is the part that makes it automatic. click signature number two.if i close this window out and create a new message, there it is. you just put your messageabove that. that’s a little bit about creating a signature. for those of you who have questionsabout that, we can come back to that later on. the next thing i want to mention is a greattrick for those of you who are emailed forms

and need to add a signature to that form.what a lot of people will do at this point is print out the email. they’ll sign it.they’ll scan it back into their computer and then send it. there is a much, much easierway to do this. i keep forgetting to do this part ahead of time, so give me two secondsto whip up a document that i can use as an example here. that was from showing how todictate. okay. let’s just put together a fake informativeletter. i’m going to save this as a pdf. pdf is a very common type of file format.basically what a pdf does, it’s basically an image of a document. the point is thatit’s locked, so a lot of times when you’re dealing with a medical form, something likethat, it’s usually going to be a pdf.

i have here on my desktop an untitled document,and i just want you to pretend that this was something that someone emailed to me thatneeds my signature. i’m going to double click on it, and it’s going to open in preview.if you go to do this, and it does not open in preview, you can secondary click. you willsee here, you have open with. that allows you to change what opens it. this is especiallyuseful for those of you who use adobe reader. adobe reader takes over. we can switch itback to preview, which personally i’m a bigger fan of. pretend this is a medical form, and i needto sign my signature right here. here’s what you do. i’m going to actually do itwith you right now. you’re going to take

out a blank piece of paper, and you’re goingto sign your name. very simple, right? i’m going to unlock my webcam for just a moment. here’s what you’re going to do. see hereat the very top of the document, we have this little toolbox icon? you’re going to clickon that. it gives you this little dropdown. check this out right here. see this one thatlooks a little bit like a signature? that’s exactly what that is. ignore what’s goingto pop up. oh, never mind. what you can do here is you can actually signyour name on your trackpad. i don’t recommend it. use your camera. forgive me. i haven’tshaved this morning. i should have thought of this ahead of time. hi everyone! all we have a piece of paper, signature.

you might be able to see. i’m going to traceit out. there is a thin blue line right here. you want to make sure that when you hold thepiece of paper up to your webcam, you want to make sure it’s right on that line. herewe go. let’s try to do it. that’s not my realsignature, by the way. now this is the tricky part, is being able to do this and also seethe line. i’ll give you a little preview. i don’t know if that did it or not. sorry.very, very hard for me to do this with my angle. there we go. when you’re done, hit done.okay. it cut it off there, because i was stretching. what’s it’s going to do at this pointis it saved that signature to your computer,

so you no longer have to print out that document.all you need to do is, when you need a signature, just go to this icon and click on that signature. check it out. i can resize it by grabbingany of these corners. i can make it as big or small as i want, and that is legal. thatis a legal signature. at this point, you just save this document and email it back to theperson. there, i just saved you a ton of paper, for those of you who have those kind of thingsthat you have to do. okay. let’s get out of that. let me openup my notes here. by the way, the only reason why you saw a bunch of little debris aroundmy signature is my notes were on the other side and they bled through. ignore that.

next thing i want to show you how to do isuse rules in apple mail. let’s go in… sorry. let’s go back to mail. we’re goingto go back to preferences. now there’s a whole bunch of different types of rules outthere that people use this for, and i have to be very broad when i’m explaining howthis works. i am going to give you the example that i tend to really think this works actuallyvery well for, which is viagra. for those of you who get junk mail, whichis… hold on, let me tell you that, everyone, this is a great trick to try to filter outsome of that junk mail. i’m going to actually delete it, because i’m going to recreateit. you go into rules, and you’re going to hit add new rule. you can name it whateveryou want. i’m going to actually call it

viagra. what you’re going to do is say ifan email meets these terms and conditions, this is what happens automatically. a lotof people out there get these stupid viagra emails. they’re junk, of course. what youcan do is tell the email program that if it detects the word viagra in subject, to automaticallymove it to the trash. here’s how you do it. this first columnright here, you’ve all these different types of things that you can set. in this case,i’m going to say if the subject contains the word viagra. what you might want to dois… a lot of these companies now, what they’ll do to get around this is they are purposefullymisspelling the word viagra. you might want to try a few different versions of this. youcan do as many as you want.

i’m going to say, instead of viagra, whatcan i say that i’ll get away with? vi-ag-ra. [laughs] i don’t know. i’m just comingup with examples here. you can say automatically move the message, or you can say delete themessage, or you can say move the message to the trash. okay? whatever. you can do either.saying delete is just fine as well. okay? automatically, that is going to take place.just boom, it’s going to be gone. other things that people use this for: i know executiveswho get just a ton of different emails. some of them, what they like to do is, if an emailhas an attachment or if it has an image, they’ll put it into a special folder. something likethat. i’m going to show you in just a second here. actually, that’s next on my can really do whatever you want. okay?

it’s a good trick for avoiding some junkmail. i’ll give you a few other junk tricks in a little bit. next one that we’re going to talk aboutis creating a mailbox and a smart mailbox and what’s the difference between the example… let me delete this so i can recreate it. an example of the smart mailboxthat a lot of people like is just show me email that came in today. it’s not movingmessages. it’s just a different way to organize them. it’s a different way to find them. what we’re going to do for this is, if youlook at the bottom left corner of my mac, there’s this little plus symbol. okay? thisis a fairly universal symbol in all the apple

applications, whether it’s contacts or’s add. add a new smart mailbox, in this case. similar to rules, we’re going to tellit if it meets this term and condition, it’s going to go into this mailbox. i’m goingto just call it today. i’m going to say if the message was received today, move itinto today. there you go. okay? the gmail sign-in block, whatever that maybe. it’s very easy way to do it. what i want to show you is something important youshould be aware of here. see this message from google? okay. watch this. i’m goingto go into my main mailbox here. you can see it’s right here. it’s first. right? wheni delete it from the smart mailbox, check it out. okay? actually, i’m sorry. that’sone from [inaudible][17:22]. that’s an old

one. i had two in a row. okay? if i go backhere, you’ll notice that’s gone. that’s just an old one. it does in fact delete it. the next thing i want to show you is aboutfolders. folders are basically just a place where you can store stuff. a lot of peoplewill store receipts. i personally store all my travel plans in a folder. there’s a coupledifferent ways to do it. it’s a manual process. we’re going to go, once again, to the plussymbol, and we’re going to go to new mailbox. okay? the first thing it’s going to ask you iswhere do you want this folder to be. i strongly advise you not to use this option. here’sthe reason why. if you choose “on my mac,”

and you use other devices like an iphone andan ipad, you are not going to have access to those messages. instead, if you use somethinglike gmail, just click on where it says gmail. it will store it in the server. that way,it synchronizes across all devices. let’s just call it travel, just as an example. hitokay. if you look here on the left hand side, wehave all these default folders, and it just added travel right here. now what i can dois i can go through my inbox, and i can manually drag and drop messages from one into the can also do this, by the way, from your phone. there’s a little button at the bottomwhere it says reply. one of them is move, and you can move it into a mailbox. just areally easy trick.

one question someone had asked me earlierwas about moving folders, like from one email account to the other. let me show you this.see how we have some here that are listed for comcast and some that are listed for gmail?you can actually move these around. you can drag and drop mailboxes from one account intothe other. my advice, though, is to do it slowly, because when you do that, it’s gotto synchronize everything in the background with their server. it takes a long time. ifyou’re going to move entire folders, do it very slowly. next thing i want to show you – let’ssee here – is a few different junk tricks. first one is a really, really easy one. byfederal law, at least here in the us, if you

get on a junk mail list, they are requiredto give you a one click option to unsubscribe. if you scroll to the very bottom of the email,many times you’ll see it says right here, please unsubscribe here. here’s a hyperlink. there’s an exception to the rule with this.if it’s one of those pornographic or viagra eblast [phonetic][20:00], a lot of those youcannot actually unsubscribe from. they don’t play by the rules, and unfortunately there’sno enforcement out there for this kind of stuff. there’s also some backend tricks that youcan use to get out of junk mail. the only downside to these is that they will only runreally if your computer is on. i wish… tim

cook, if you’re out there, please buildthese features into the ios devices, because that would be really nice. i don’t wantto have to keep my mac on in order for these rules to work. if you go here into… once again, we’rein system preferences. okay? we have junk mail. third item. this is what i typicallyrecommend to most people. check where it says enable junk mail filtering, and move it tothe junk mailbox. okay? that way, it’s still there. you can still… you have time to lookthrough it and make sure that there’s no legitimate email that may have just been accidentallymarked as junk. i would do that. the other thing you may want to do is go hereunder accounts, and for each of your email

addresses, you have these three tabs: accountinformation, mailbox behaviors, and advanced. i would go into mailbox behaviors for eachaccount. if you look at all of these here, this is usually somewhere around what i tendto recommend for most people. this one might change to never. by storing this informationon the server, which you’ll see i have checked here for every one of these, if i’m on thego and i don’t have my laptop and i need to possibly see if an email has accidentallygone into my junk mail, i want to have the ability to retrieve it. that’s why i personallydo this. now some people for this one right here chooseto do a month old. i completely understand that. it’s actually really not a bad idea.what this means is that if a message is marked

as junk, if it’s one month old, it’s goingto automatically delete itself out. it’s gone. right? another thing also here withtrash. some people, especially those who are not in business, like the trash to automaticallyempty after it’s a month old. first of all, you should know email does not take up a lotof space, despite what you might think. in fact, your imessages usually take up significantlymore. calendar also surprisingly takes up a lot of space. i typically recommend sayingto do never here. i will show you how to manually clear it all out in a moment. okay? what this is going to do is basically whenyou get in a message and it comes in as junk, it’s going to go into a special mailboxhere called junk. depending on… i won’t

be able to totally reenact this for you, butwith a lot of these, when they come in, you’ll see at the very top right it says, “mailthinks that this message is junk.” you can either leave it, i believe, or say mark asnot junk. if you say mark as not junk, it’s going to automatically, when that person orcompany emails you again, it’s going to go into your legitimate inbox. okay? if you want to move it, by the way, out ofjunk, all you literally have to do is drag it and drop it back into your inbox. whetheryours says inbox or, in my case, it has multiple accounts, don’t worry. we’ll go over howto set that up in a moment. this is legit. i’ll just use myself here as an example.i can drag and drop that back into my email.

that way, it stays there. okay? let’s see here. next thing i want to dois show you how to customize the toolbar. okay? right up here, this gray section isa toolbar. also when you create a new message, this is a toolbar. these can be customized.for example, people who like to kill the environment – i mean, print emails – if they reallywant it, you can add a print button. okay? all you have to do is once again secondaryclick in this area, and you should see this icon and text, icon only, text only, hidetoolbar. if you ever go into your email and you see this… frankly, i don’t even knowwhy this is an option. what’s the point, unless you’re trying to prevent yourselffrom sending it? maybe it’s an angry email

to your ex. if you ever see this, all youhave to do to fix it is right click in this space – i’m sorry, secondary click – andchange it back to either any of these top options. we have a send button again. the last option, though, is customize. forexample, if i want to add print feature back to a new message, i can take print right hereand drag it and drop it into this top menu bar wherever i want. it’ll just stick there.okay? there’s a few other options here. i tend to think that the way it comes by defaultis usually pretty good for most people, but if you need any of those options, just knowthat they’re all available to you there. the same thing applies to this toolbar righthere. okay? you can customize. there’s a

few more options here in this case. okay?for example, there is a one-click add to contacts. i just tend to find it easier to hit the littlearrow instead, which is what i do. next feature, can i do a quick survey forthose of you who are here live? oh my god, we have so many questions coming in. okay.quick survey. how many people here know how to dictate? [pauses] automatic dictation.[pauses] i’m not entirely surprised that about a little more than a third maybe, maybeabout forty percent do not. all the more importance to go over it. ifyou are running a mac that is running operating system 10.7 or later. by the way, the wayyou find out is apple icon above this mac. you can dictate to your computer. you don’tneed dragon dictation. you don’t need any

other pieces of software out there. it comesbuilt into the mac. as far as how well it does it, the differentfeatures of it, that depends on which version. this is part of the reason why i tend to peopleat this date in time, that it’s a good idea to upgrade to yosemite. if you go into theapple icon top left of your mac, second item down, system preferences, from here go downtowards the middle, towards the bottom. it has dictation and speech. the way you’reabout to see it is how i tend to recommend it to my clients. if you want dictation turned on, use enhanceddictation. what this allows you to do is to use it when you’re not connected to theinternet. if you’re running extremely low

on space, you may not want to use this option. shortcut. i’ve always referred to this asa trigger key. okay? just my own little terminology. by default, it’s set to function key. that’sthe little key, for most of you, it’s the bottom left of your keyboard that says fn.personally, i like to use command twice. that’s my preference, but you can really do whateveryou want. what this means is that when i double tapmy command key, it’s going to start listening to me, and i can just simply talk. now ittends to be for me a little bit slow because i am doing a live class right now, but i wantto show you how it works. even though i’m showing you this in the context of email,this applies to the entire computer. you could

be in word, pages, anything, and this willwork. you can see here my cursor is blinking, whichmeans if i type, it’s going to appear. okay? what i’m going to do, is i’m just goingto double tap my command key. at that point – it may be a little difficult for you allto hear it – it’s going to ding at me. once it dings, i can start speaking. you canalso speak punctuation. you can say, “next paragraph.” when you’re done, you caneither tap your trigger key again, or there’s a little done button that you can click. let’sgive it a shot. [pauses] note the microphone at the bottom right.

dear mark collier [phonetic][27:54]. paragraph. it was so great having you visit our office in provincetown, massachusetts.come back any time. period. next paragraph. david cox. cool, right? like i said, the delay from whatyou just saw is usually not that bad. it’s just because i’m supporting five hundredpeople right now. there you go. you can dictate that through facebook, email, whatever youwant. really, really cool feature, especially when i’m working with some of my clientswho are a bit older. they tend to really love that feature. it just doesn’t work wellwhen you have the tv on in the background. let’s hit not save. next feature i wantto mention briefly, if you want to explore

this, we have a whole class on evernote. forthose of you who have an email – we’ll just call it an email situation – especiallythose of you in business, and need to categorize different things, one thing you might wantto be aware of that evernote gives you the ability to do is evernote gives you a uniqueemail address where you can send or forward messages to, which will be saved into evernoteautomatically. for example, if i get emailed from one ofour members about this really great idea for a class, what i will usually do is i tendto organize my notes in evernote. i will forward that email to a special email address thati have saved for my evernote account. that way, when i open up evernote, it loads, andit’s not taking up space anymore in my email.

if you want to check that out, you can seeour whole class on evernote. i’ll put a link in the description of the video. let’s see here. i want to show you how tocreate a second email address. okay? you’ll see here that we have two listed. a lot ofyou may have one. believe it or not, i got this question from quite a few people. howdo i add a second email account? you can. go back to preferences. mail, preferences.look down here at the bottom left. notice we’re under accounts right now. there’sa little plus symbol right here. click that little plus symbol, and at this point if youhave any of these services up here, it just means that it has all the settings also has quite a few others. you’ll have

to click “add other email account,” sothere is a chance you may need to enter in email server settings. i just want you tobe aware that if you are using some sort of a service, for example godaddy or bluehostwhere they give you multiple options, do you want to use pop settings or imap. please,for the love of god, do imap. it’s so much better. if you’re using an email provider, if you’reusing an internet provider like comcast, at&t or verizon, a lot of those settings thesedays are all automatic. you don’t actually need to know the server settings to get intothat. just in case any of you out there are in fact using comcast, since they are kindof a comglomerate these days, comcast recently

updated from pop to imap. if you notice thatyour comcast emails are not syncing, what you have to do is basically save all thoseemails into something like a folder. then delete your email account and recreate will recreate with the new imap settings. you may want to call a comcast rep to helpyou with that, if you need help. next thing i want to show you here is – let’ssee – deleting multiple emails at once. some people know how to do it. some peopledon’t. it’s worth reviewing. what i’m about to show you is just simply how to selectmultiple emails or multiple files. this works with everything. if i hold the command keyon my mac, i’m able to select multiple items at once. i can select this and this and thisand this. okay? if i hit the delete key right

now, all of those are gone. i’m going toundo that. actually, i won’t. if you have a list of emails that you needto delete all at once, so they’re all in a row, you can click on the first item, holdthe shift key, click on the last item, and then hit the delete key. one of you emailedme earlier asking, “how do i wipe out all of the trash in gmail?” i’m going to showyou a way to do it. the only little word of warning is if you have tens of thousands ofemails, this can overload the server. anytime you’re making major changes to email, don’tquit out of it when you’ve finished. it’s still doing things in the background thatyou can’t see. okay? for example, if i want to go into… let’ssee. i’m sorry, not there. let’s go into

my… [pauses] where would i have a lot? okay.okay. trash. let’s go there. pretend there’s a lot of emails here. obviously there aren’t.what you can do, one trick you should be aware of, is if you hit command a – a as in apple– that is the universal command for select all. every single email here is selected.if you hit command a and then hit delete, it’s deleting everything. once again, justplease leave the computer on for a while. depending on how many emails, it might bean hour even, just so it can sync those changes with gmail’s server. if you cut it off,it’s not going to have time to do it, and you’re going to see them all reappear infront of you. okay. next topic. migrating email. ooo, thisis a fun one. not. migrating email can definitely

be a nightmare to people who don’t knowhow to do it, so i’m going to try my best to help you out here. i’m going to use thisas the example: moving from comcast to gmail. obviously we’re dealing with a lot of dummymessages here. forgive me. i’m just going to move a bunch around, just so i have somemore to play with. when you want to move from one email serviceto the other, here’s how i usually recommend doing it. you want to have both accounts inapple mail. this comcast is going to represent the old. this is the account that’s beingclosed down. gmail represents the new account that’s being created. okay? what you’re going to do is select all ofyour comcast messages, as soon as they sync

in the background. i’ll just use this onein the meantime. select all. again command a, and you can drag them and drop them. therethey come. those are the ones that i just moved over. okay? select all. they’re allthere, and we’re going to drag and drop them into gmail. okay? by doing that, if thisold option is pop, you’ve just moved it into an imap account, so that it’s now goingto sync automatically. what i would then also recommend that youdo is with pretty much every email service out there… no. every email service out there.there’s no pretty much. there is a way to access your email through the web or througha program like apple mail. in the case of comcast, you would be going to you sign in through the web, in settings

or account options – they use differentterminology – there is a way to auto-forward your messages. what you would do is tell comcast,“hey, if i get a new email in, i don’t want it going to this email account. i wantto auto-forward to my correct email address. the other option some people will use insteadis while you’re in that same screen you would also see an auto responder. now peopleuse auto responders a lot of times when they are on vacation. trust me, every time i sendout an e-blast [phonetic][35:33], i get a million of them. what you can do is automaticallyemail people back letting them know you are no longer using that email address and here’sthe new email address. the downside to doing that is if a spammergets a message back that you’ve changed

your email address, guess what? they now knowabout it. you’re going to start to receive spam there. i tend to typically recommendthe forward option instead of autoreply. it’s just safer for your own security, and thenwhat you can do after a couple of months is delete that old account. okay. that’s alittle bit about moving email accounts. the other thing i want to mention is for someof you who are pc users. i get this question all the time, and it is a nightmare to dealwith. i want to give you a really strong recommendation. if you are moving from a windows pc to a mac,especially for those of you who use outlook, outlook can be a beast to deal with. outlookuses this file format called pst, whereas apple mail uses a file format called mbox.there are plenty of people, when this video

goes to the internet and it’s on youtube,there’s going to be plenty of people out there who are going to disagree with me. iam giving you my advice based on what is easy. okay? it’s not that it’s free, but itis easy. if you go into outlook, it is fairly simplefor most people to export all of their information into a pst file. basically, that pst filedoesn’t just contain your email. it also contains your contacts and your calendars.there’s a great, great little app. you have to buy it. it’s not inexpensive, but it’sworth it. if you put a value on your time, it’s worth it. go to the apple menu, app store. the nameof the app, which i believe is twenty-nine

dollars, is called pst converter pro. it is right here. it’s very, very simple for the average person, believe it or not,to do this. it’s going to just automatically move all that stuff from the windows worldinto the mac word. very, very simple. like i said, you can do this manually. itis a nightmare to do it, so, please save yourself a little bit of headache and a few grey hairsat the same time. pulling out a few hairs, i should probably say. i want to go over viewingand layout options. you may have been noticing that up to this point i have been using theold way of viewing messages, and some of you i’m sure in the questions – in the chatrather – have asked, “how did you do that?” there are two different basic ways to viewyour email in apple mail. the first is this

list view, which is considered older, or youcan go to the new view. if you go into preferences, we have viewing right here. note the veryfirst item which i have checked is classic layout. if i undo it, we get this. if youever run into this problem, by the way, this is a good… i didn’t mean for this to happen,but this is actually a good thing. where you can’t see the message, there’s a reallythin bar right here with a little dot right there. you can drag this over. okay? now ihave my message here. just adjust the size of the windows. okay. you’ve got your preview of your messagehere. you’ve got your actual message here. for those of you who are curious, i actuallydo prefer this view right here. some people

who are just used to the old way, they likethe old way. if you do want it, once again, mail, preferences, viewing, and check thistop option here. that’ll make it look like the traditional method, which was done awaya couple years ago. let’s see here. oh, also i want to mention…let’s go back to the old way of viewing this for just a moment. there’s one otherthing i want to show you here. for those of you who do like this view, again, maybe verydifficult for those of you who are live to see this. there is a very thin bar that separatesthese two areas. if you click it and drag it, you can choose how much space each sidetakes up. a lot of people like to have more viewing room for the actual email and lessfor the preview. okay?

another thing about organization: once again,see we have from, subject, date received. there are other ways to organize it and youshould know that if you click on these, that is going to change how it is organized. wheni search by subject, the email that has a number in it is going to be first, then followedby a. right? if i click it again, it’s reversed, so noww is at the top and 6 is at the bottom. same goes for who it’s from. you can organizeit alphabetically. most people organize it by date, which would make sense. if you clickon it once, it’s going to be the most recent email at the top, older ones at the bottom.if you click it again, it’ll reverse that order.

the other methods that you can organize isif you secondary click in this thin white area, these are other things that you canorganize. you can say show attachments. when i do that, see this one right here, whichhas a little paper clip? that’s really just the graphic right there. that’s where, likei said, if you have a signature, that’s where i can be a real pain in the butt. it’sgoing to show that every email has a signature. okay. a few other option that you can choose righthere just by secondary clicking. let’s see… choosing which email address is used whenyou create a new message or reply. by default, when you hit reply, it’s going to replyfrom that email address. if you have multiple

email accounts here – like i have gmailand i have comcast – when i’m clicked on comcast, it’s just comcast email that’sgoing to be listed here. when i click on gmail, it’s just gmail. when i click on inbox,it’s the two combined. okay? when you hit reply, it’s going to reply to whicheveremail address it was sent to. however, when you create a new message, youcan tell it to use a default address. to do that, go once again back to preferences. thistime, we’re going to go into composing right here. you’ll see right here, send new messagesfrom. you can choose which account you use. i’ll just use plays well with sharks. forthose of you who are curious, that’s the dummy email address i created for when i wason shark tank.

hit new message. okay? notice it’s fromthat email address. if you want to switch it, you can just simply click here and switchfrom one to the other. next thing i want to do is show you about inserting photos andhow to downsize them. i’m going to create a new email here. i’m going to attach afew photos. there’s a couple different ways. you caneither hit attach and manually find the photo, or you can use photo browser, which is basicallygoing to launch the photos app. you can go into iphoto. i had to do a system restorationlast night, so i’m going to use iphoto right now just to get access to these. i’m goingto pull in a bunch of photos here, way more than the average person would. i’m goingto drag and drop them in. pretend you didn’t

see that. okay. see this little red thing here? messagesize, 63.9 megabytes. yeah. that’s not what we call email friendly. in terms of what mostpeople consider to be courteous, you usually want to try to keep your email to under fivemegabytes. some people will say up to eight. when you do more than that, especially ifyou send a lot of photos to someone, if they’re on cellular data and they go to download thosephotos, they just blew through a lot of their data just to get your photos. instead, what you can do is built right intoapple mail. it will automatically resize them for you. see right here it says image size?just by going from actual to large, check

it out. we just went from a giant, giant amountdown to 4.8 megabytes. that’s giant shrinkage. that’s like jumping into the ocean rightnow, folks. yes. i just did that joke right now. if i go from large to medium, you’ll seeit shrinks it down even further. typically, i actually keep it at large. insert obviousjoke here. okay? that’s usually what i like. again, if you keep it five to eight megabytes,that’s pretty good. the only real exception to the rule is if the person’s going tobe printing the photos, in which case it might be a better idea to, let’s say, use dropboxinstead to send a group of photos. if you want to learn about that, we have agreat, great class that pairs well with this

class all about that. you know how certainfood items pair well together, like chocolate and wine, meat and wine, everything else andwine? [laughs] also everything else and chocolate. dang it, mail! come back. okay. we have someclasses that do that, too. one of them is… i just taught a class. it’s called, i wantto say, all about icloud and dropbox, and i’ll put a link once again to that classin the description of this video, for those of you who care to learn more about that.dropbox, definitely one of the most important tools for anyone in business, in my opinion.let’s see here. next one, i want to talk about sending toa group of people. okay? now this is tricky, because we have an international crowd here.laws are different around the world. if you

are a business, and you are emailing all ofyour customers, it is actually illegal to do it through just a traditional email. ifyou send it to all of them, even if you cc them, that is technically speaking illegal.the reason why is, first of all, you’re violating privacy laws, because what’s goingto happen is this. i’ll give you a real story of someone who didn’t know this andaccidentally did it. you all probably know. i live in provincetown,massachusetts, the very tip of cape cod. we had a business here that i’m a fan of, andthey did just this. they emailed all of their customers. okay? the problem is that whenyou send it to or you cc, which is carbon copy, they can see each other’s’ emails.well, one person on that list was not a fan

of them. what happened was this person wrotea really, really nasty note and hit reply to all. immediately, this business had todo some serious damage control, because all of their customers just saw this really, reallynasty, negative review. frankly, it’s probably some of their best customers, since they wereon their email list. if you’re emailing a small group of people,like let’s say your friends. let’s say you even have a hundred friends. please showsome courtesy and use bcc. blind carbon copy. when you do this, what you want to do is sendit to you. send it to your own email address, but you’re going to blind carbon copy everyoneelse. it’s considered courtesy. now if you have a lot more than that, morethan a hundred people that you need to email,

you might want to consider a service likethe one that we use. i’m going to make this small request here, and i like to be veryopen about this. we have an affiliated account with these folks. there’s this great littleservice called mail chimp. mail chimp is competitor to other services out there, like constantcontact. i’m just personally a bigger fan of mail chimp. i’ve nothing against constantcontact. i’ve just been using them longer, and i find them to be pretty good. if you decide to go with mail chimp, therewill be a link in the description of the video. you can sign up with them for free. if youhave under two thousand subscribers, it’s free. more than that, you’ve got to payfor it. right now, i have to pay over three

hundred dollars a month just to email allof you. the more people you get, the more that price comes up. then again, we’re talkingtens of thousands of people for me to email. it ends up being worth it. mail chimp is agreat, great little service if you’re a business. i strongly recommend you check itout. next thing i want to do is something thatsomeone actually here had emailed me about and i wanted to include in this class, whichis sending an email to a specific group of people. let’s just pretend that you have,let’s say, a dinner group. a bunch of people, you all get together. you have a pot luckor something like that. you just want to very quickly be able to send it to all of themwithout having to type each one of their email

addresses one at a time. right? here’s how you can do it. go into the contactsapp. okay? it’s the one that looks like a little brown book right there. go into allcontacts. what i’m going to do is this. see up here, it says file? we’re going togo to file, and the second item down is new group. [clears throat] excuse me. you cancall your group whatever you want. i’m just going to call it dinner group. okay? from here, you’re going to have to go backinto all contacts. obviously these are all fake. what you’re going to do is you’regoing to drag and drop your contacts into that group. okay? i’ve got a bunch of fakeones here. oops. turn this on there. when

i go into dinner group, see how all of thesenames are here? now i want to make sure that all of these… okay, that one doesn’t havean email address, someone i didn’t delete. that one doesn’t. there should be threepeople in this group when we’re done. okay? once that group is in contacts, check thisout. you can close out of contacts. go into mail. i think it’s… there we go. new message.instead of typing out their email addresses one at a time, or even their names, i’mjust going to type in the word dinner. group auto fills in. when i hit the enter key, voila!all of their names pop up. that will work if i send it to cc or bcc. pretty cool, right? next thing i want to show you is something…once again, i left this out of the last class.

for those of you who are in similar situationto what i have to go through, where i’m usually having to send the same response toa million people, this can be a lifesaver. okay? i want to show you how to create somethingwhich i refer to as a trigger phrase. i’m sure there’s a real name for it, but that’sjust what i use. that’s what i call it. a trigger phrase means that i can type a coupleof key strokes on my keyboard, and it’s going to automatically write. it could bea sentence. it could be an entire paragraph or a page of text. for example, i could doa thing… let me think. let’s say i want to have a default thank you message to someonefor making a contribution to pc classes online, right? i could make it so that i type in justa couple keystrokes, and it sends a complete

message with a little thank you note. here’s how you do it. you actually do itthrough system preferences. what’s really cool is this feature syncs. if you have aniphone or an ipad, you can do this on every single device and beyond just mail, too. youcan do it in documents. from here, i know it sounds a little weird, you’re going toactually go into keyboard. from keyboard, you’re going to go into text. okay? watchthis. this might be a little bit tricky, but i’m going to try to explain it slowly. i’mgoing to hit that little plus symbol at the bottom left. okay? replace is your triggerphrase, and then with is whatever the full message is. whoever is live here emailingme, please stop.

what i’m going to do is create a phrase.let’s say i want to make it… i’m trying to think. [pauses] i’ll just do ty. okay?something you would probably never, ever do something this simple, because ty… no, let’sdo something better. let’s do thank you, but it’s all one word. that’s probablya better example. you want this, by the way – i should mention – you want this tobe something you would not normally type. it might mean initials, or it might mean combiningwords together. i’m going to combine that with… if you’llgive me one moment, i’m going to dictate a quick phrase here, just so you can see howthis works. [pauses] thank you so much for your contribution to support work really hard to do a good job, and

this money helps us continue to offer ourfree live classes to the public. thank you for being a part of what we’re trying todo. period. okay? that’s there. now watch this. i clickout of it. i just click out of where that was, and it’s saved. now when i go intoemail… let’s do this one right here. let’s just create a new message. watch this. i typethe word thankyou, space, and it autofills in. once again, i can do that from my phone.i can do that from my ipad. anywhere. it’s a really, really cool feature, and you cancreate as many as you want. i’ve done that for – god – i can’t even tell you howmany i’ve had in the past. unfortunately, one of the ones i have to do more of thanany is explaining to people that i’m not

their private tech support. trying to finda way to phrase that in a way that is not insulting is very, very difficult. what i would like to do at this point is:we have a live audience here. we have a lot… mark has been receiving a lot of questionsfrom folks, so what i’m going to do is end the class now and respond to those folks.i just want to say before we go, if you are watching us on youtube, one of the even easierways that you can show a little bit of love is if you hit that like button. in case youdidn’t know it, when you hit the like button on a video, it’s basically your little wayof tipping off youtube that the video you just watched contains relevant content. ithelps us. it helps them. it’s like a group

hug. okay? [laughs] hit that like button, if you haven’t alreadydone so. subscribe to our youtube channel. it’s free, folks! you can sign up for ournewsletter on our website at this is david a. cox with dismissed!

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