daily quote for apple

hello and welcome to another 5 stupid things, and today, we talk about 5 stupid things about the iphone. now hold up, before all you android users start high-fiving and starting a comment war down below, just know, your time is coming.

daily quote for apple

daily quote for apple, and in the interest of full disclosure, i have and use an iphone 6+. it is my phone of choice, however, even the best products have their flaws. number 1 siri. yup, you heard me right.

too bad she didn't. it's actually kind of funny in how incredibly limited siri is. there's so potential behind it, but all you actually ever get is siri: i'm really sorry about this, but i can't take any requests right now. please try again in a little while. siri is not a personal assistant. it's a toy! a gimmick you show your friends as they roll their eyes because talking to your phone is so 2012. if i had a personal assistant that refused and talked back to me as much as siri does, i would've fired them! ages ago...

the sassy responses are cute and all apple, but i'm bored of it. show me some real functionality. you know i'm not too impressed with ok google either. just like when touch screens first started dropping, i don't to use windows vista with my finger! innovate the interface or get out! iigo-for short and that's kinda stupid number 2- animations are my aggravations! not something you'd expect, but animations on an iphone are really what account

for it's sluggishness one of my personal pet peeves about the iphone is how slow these animations are! animations exist so your brain can make sense of the constantly changing interface for instance, instead of just turning on the screen, it fades in! and instead of just opening up and showing the apps, they zoom out! sure that's nice and fancy and all, but that takes up time. way more time than you're even consciously aware of!

especially when we use our phones more and more everyday i don't wanna turn in the ripple age of 96 before i'm allowed to start using my phone. seriously, some of these animations take so long i start thinking of other things while i wait. did i take out the laundry? did i feed the dog? do i have a dog? if you have an option to jail-break, kill the animations and you will be truly amazed at how powerful the iphone actually is and that's really stupid number 3-my wallet hurts. iphones are notorious for how much they cost.

granted they are made to a higher standard and typically made with better materials however, there is no excuse for a $30 cable. a lot of people don't realise this, but cables are some of the cheapest electronics to make. remember back in like 2011, when people were buying hdmi cables for a $100 a pop? best buy employees were getting those same cables for $4. not much has changed with the apple lightning cable but costs approximately $3.50 to make. not even to mention the price discrepancy of cases

that cost as little as 75 cents to make and are selling for $45 i think there's a clichã© here i can use! that's how they getcha! now that's stupidly stupid! number 4-why you no waterproof!? this is one of the most frustrating things! iphones aren't waterproof! they aren't even water resistant! considering how much humans need water and how much they use their phone you'd think it'd be a given.

because no matter how hard you try to keep your iphone safe and dry, life gets messy, and it's bound to get wet. i mean this tech has existed for years! you can literally go to one of those centre booths in the mall, and for 60 bucks you can get your iphone coated with some hydrophobic material that will make it waterproof! what. why is this not a thing out of the box?! i wanna be able to drop my phone in the toilet with 0 ramifications! what, not on purpose of course.

now that's stupider-er-er-er the final stupid thing! number 5- we're locked out. the iphone and ios is a closed system. meaning you can't install or modify anything on the phone unless you go straight through apple. we're not really in an era where people want to modify the hardware of phones just yet but we still want to modify the software! you see a closed system like ios is good for a couple of reasons. there's a sense of quality control and consistency that you get used to and sometimes it prevents malware.

however, when the government has planes emasculating cell towers to spy and collect on your data is malware even a concern anymore!? probably, bu-but still a closed is system is where the apps can only function in their little sandbox and prevents the developers from giving the applications any real power or use. like for instance, multi-tasking. not only that, but you can't even customise the visual look of your iphone.

you know what? sorry, i was wrong you can actually customise the wallpaper. but get this! you can have a different lock screen wallpaper than your home screen. what!? the power is unparalleled! now that's the stupidest thanks so much for watching guys. make sure to leave your comments down below telling me what you think is stupid about the iphone, but not just that! tell me what you also think is smart about the iphone lets have one of those good old fashioned ios vs android wars!

just this once! also i just started a newsletter! so if you're not into the whole social network thing but still wanna stay up to date, subscribe and you will get five monthly updates! you can get exclusive downloads, sneak peeks and little secrets about my channel that you don't already know. but don't worry, i will only send 2 emails a month. if- if that actually. so until next time, high five!

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