a new ability in numbers 4.1 is a functionthat gives you current stock prices. let's take a look at that. i'll go into a cell right here. i'll type equals and stock, which is the function. i'll also search for it over here so i cansee the information about the stock function.
price of one share of apple stock, it takes two parameters. the first one is going to be a symbol so forinstance the stock symbol. the second one is going to be another valuewhere you can ask for a certain thing like price name, amount change, open price.
that kind of thing. let's start off simply here. i'll do a quote aapl which is the apple stockprice, close quote there and i will get the value for apple stock right now. so that's the simplest thing you can do withit. you can do it with anything else you want. so, for instance, stock and if i wanted saygoggle i can do that. so let's make things a little bit more interesting. let's delete those and let's put some stocknames on the left here.
so start with aapl, and we'll have goog aswell. let's use the stock function and use thisas the value right there, comma, and then i'll use one of these second parameter thingslike price. so let's do price, price like that, and it'llgive us the price. the cool thing is that if i copy this andpaste it here it's of course going to pickup the goggle stock name rather than apple andi get that. so now i can add whatever i want here to theleft. so i can do tesla for instance. if i copy and paste that, i get that.
you can use this for other things as well. so, for instance i can do stock and clickthere of course, comma, and let's use one of these other things i can do; open, close,change, market cap, volume, anything i want. even there's one here for name, for instance. so let's do that. you can see it gives me the official namefor the company. if i copy and paste it here and here thenthe formula will move accordingly and i get apple, inc, alphabet, inc which is the officialname for goggle, and tesla, inc. you can do that for other things as well.
if i wanted to have the volume i can do thevolume and i'll copy and paste it for those. so you can kind of keep track of your stocksvery easily here. just add a new row here, just copy and pastethis row there, and i can get amazon's price really easily. now you may have noticed that there's anotherstock related function. it's called stock h and if i look for thehelp for that i can see it gives me the historic information for it. so i can do price for apple there, and i cansay i want the, let's see i have to pick here something a little different.
so i can say the closing price or the openingprice, or the high. so let's do the closing price and then youhave to pick a date. so the date can be in a special format, youknow, just like this, so that's january 3, 2017 and that should work there. there we go and i copy and paste that herei'm going to get the closing price for january 3rd for each one of those. you can do all sorts of other things withthe history there. you can also pull from another field whatthe date is rather than actually typing it there in quotes.
one note of caution there is you have to havea date that works. so if i did january 1st, the stock marketwas closed that day, so there was no closing price and i would get an error. so it's useful and the stock and stock historyfunctions can be a great addition to your spreadsheets if you use them to track wallstreet.