is going to be a how to video forassignment 1 for finance 351. i'm going to go through thestep-by-step instructions on how to complete assignment 1, and you can feel free to follow along with me.the instructions can be found on blackboard learn
share price aapl, under excel assignments along with yourassigned stocks and the sample spreadsheet of what it shouldlook like when we're done the first thing we're going to want to do is go tofinance dot yahoo dot com we're going to enter our ticker symbol in the searchfield on the side
i will use home depot the ticker symbolhd when you search for that ticker symbol, yahoo will come up with the summary for thestock we're gonna use historical prices for this assignment so click on historical prices we'regonna want to use january 2nd 2009 to january 2nd 2014 were also going to want to use monthly data once you enter in those parameters youcan hit get prices and then yahoo return those prices
for those dates we can scroll to thebottom click download the spreadsheet and then the data will open up inside excelif you get these pound signs means that your columns are too narrowand that you need to widen your column you can do that by going up to the topand sizing it or if you double-click it'llautomatically size it to the right size a fast way to do this is to click on thetop and you re size all of them at once so this isthe historic data from home depot you can see there goes from2009
2014 exactly the data that we asked forwe can rename this tab by double clicking down here on the nametable and changing it to our ticker symbol hd from home depot if we had more stocks we go over here and change them as wellalso be downloading data for apple which has the ticker symbol aapl underhome depot we can see that the data that we're given is the date a running date for 2009-2014 the open which is the first price of theday the high which is the highest price the trade wasmade during the day the low which is the
lowest price the close which is where it ended and thevolume that's how many shares were traded thatday. the adjusted close is the change to the regular clothesbased on if there were any dividends or stock splits during thattime period so the assignment calls for two stocks we have hd which is home depot, and now we are going to need apple so we're gonna go back to yahoofinance and scroll to the top of the page
and rather than going through theprocess again we can keep the same parameters and justchange the ticker symbol by using this search field on the sideso i'm a search for apple which is aapl and search you can see that it's updated apple now but keeps the same dates and it keeps monthly so we don't have to search for anythingelse we can just school right back down click download a spreadsheet again so mydata opens up a new table again the columns are too narrow so i can click up here to highlight everything
and resize them all now i wanna movethis data to my other table so what i can do ishighlight by clicking and dragging and highlight all this data and i can either docontrol c to copy or i can right click and a copy and you'llknow that it's working if you have the dotted lines going around the side then i can go back to my first table tothe apple tab right click and paste or i can do control v which is also the paste now i have thedata from home depot an apple you can see that the dates aren'tformatted correctly
we get numbers like 41,000 we want to dois highlight that column and change it too short date and now thedates are correct that's just an error that excel had withformatting now we have the same data from homedepot and apple last thing that we're gonna do is save a document as an excel file wecan do that by going to file, save as, and saving as assignment 1 and changing the file type to excel workbook clicking save
now it's saved as assignment one and you couldsubmit it on blackboard learn under the dropbox menu hopefully that was easy to follow along if you need helpplease let me know i'm available on blackboard learn you canemail me or you can message me here on youtube good luck and thanks for watching