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(image source: twitter) by katie brennan twitter #music hit the web and the app storethursday. the launch was announced on abc’s good morning america. “world exclusive reveal for you on gma thismorning. twitter is officially unveiling a

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share price of aapl, music discovery app today... the app willchange the way so many people discover music, giving you several ways to find songs basedoff twitter activity.” the app uses data from your twitter accountto pick the best possible songs for you, but you won’t have to leave the app to listen;the app grabs music from rdio, spotify and

itunes. techcrunch suggests the gma launch means twitteris aiming straight for the mainstream. “gma reaches a huge audience every morning, andrdio and spotify have some of the biggest followings in the music streaming world.” twitter’s announcement explains it usestweets and engagement... “ detect and surface the most popular tracks and emergingartists.” the new app puts artists front and center, you can “...go to their profilesto see which music artists they follow and listen to songs by those artists.”
of course, you can also tweet songs directly from the app. all things d reports twitter’sbeen spending the last week or so getting

artists involved.
â â€œtwitter has been putting the ios app (and related web service) in the hands ofa … varied group of musicians, some of whom really are superstars. others, less so.” superstar or not, the artists have been tweetingtheir approval of the app. the app has four pages: the popular page showsyou new music that's trending across twitter, emerging shows you hidden talent found intweets. the suggested page shows artists you might like based on the artists you followand the #nowplaying tab shows songs your friends are listening to or tweeting about. the web version rolled out a few hours afterthe gma announcement, and the ios app is launching in the u.s., canada,

u.k., ireland, australia, and new zealandbefore anywhere else. you’ll be able to download it today in the app store.

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