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hi i'm serge siou and welcome to macstudioa. in this episode: how to add dashboard widgetsto your mac desktops using os x mavericks. ...let's get started sometimes it's convenient to have certaindashboard widgets on your desktop or desktops instead of having to navigate to the dashboardspace.

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stock symbol apple, well...with a couple of simple terminal commands,you are able to do just that. first...launch terminal and type the followingcommands exactly as shown here or in the description below: defaults write devmodeyes

and the 'killall dock' command to re-launchthe dock, which is associated with the dashboard. next, in the mission control settings, foundby launching 'system preferences', uncheck 'show dashboard as a space' and if you wish,you can assign a new function key to launch dashboard and in my case i've chosen f5....thedefault is f12. with that all's time for the funstuff. start by pressing function key f5 or f12 tolaunch dashboard. now, it's important to note that wheneveryou add a widget to a desktop, it has to be a new instance, not any existing ones. forexample, the existing widgets that i had on my dashboard before entering the terminalcommands was these and therefore are not used.

with that out of the's time to adda new instance of say the calendar widget to desktop 1...simply click on the plus signhere and click on the calendar widget. and drag on the calendar widgetand while still and release f5 and position the widget where you want...thenrelease the mouse and viola...the calendar widget is on desktop 1. let's do one desktop 2, where anumbers project is currently running, we'll add the calculator and stocks widgets...let'snot this is another desktop, new instances of widgets as to be added to thedashboard. and once again press f5 or f12 function keyto launch dashboard and click on the plus

sign here to select new instances for thecalculator and stocks widgets as shown. again; click and start dragging the calculatorwidget and while still dragging press and release f5 and position the widget where youwish, then release the mouse. repeat the same for the stocks widget. to remove a widget on any of the desktops,click and start dragging the widget and while still dragging press and release f5...repeatfor all widget you want to remove. and finally, to revert to the original stateof the dashboard, launch terminal and enter the same commands as before...replacing yeswith no or simply cut and paste as shown, and once again don't forget to relaunch thedock.

and that's all there is to it. thanks for watching,and thumbs up if you liked this video. and please, don't forget to subscribe to benotified of the next episode. thanks and peace.

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