how to create joomla blog

hi guys! in this quick video, i will show you, howto install wordpress blog on aws new service amazon lightsail. amazon lightsail was recently introduced byamazon in the reinvent 2016. so, why amazon lightsail?

how to create joomla blog

how to create joomla blog, so, that's the basic amazon lightsail using amazon lightsail onecan create a wordpress blog within few clicks and this totally revolutionizes the workflow. you don't need to create a database, you don'tneed to do any configuration.within few clicks

and selections you have a live wordpress blogahh.. within five minutes. so let's go through the process of settingup your first wordpress on amazon lightsail. the good part of this is.. the first monthis free, right. suppose, so.. the first step is to have an accountin amazon aws. so... if ... walkthrough how to setup yourfirst wp blog using amazon if you do not have an aws account, you go tosignup and you signup and aws has loads of services which is free for the first year. so.. we can see lot of .. these are the serviceswhich you get for free. so you go to the to findout all the services which you have for free.

so.. after you register as .. you go to backto and login. so.. let's wait for it to load.. ah... sohere.. right now there is nothing so.. to create a wordpress blog the first step isyou click on this create an instance. so.. automatically you are redirected to thispage where you are given an option between apps+os and base os. so.. since we are setting up wordpress selectthis option and you know make that you select this option. ahh...before you proceed further.. and sinceyou are setting up a basic site $5/month is good enough or ..if you want bit more

you have options for setting up a heavywordpress site, for the first first month it's free $5/month after that..and then you select your instancename. so, this is like for example my wordpressblog. so.. and you can create number of instancesfor the example let's create one and click on create. now so.. okay you will get status of pendingand within few minutes, your wordpress blog will be live at this particular ip. so.. youcan also click on this icon and to manage it so.. you can see your public ip is thisand you can go this after few minutes it will be live, that's it.

just click select and you are done, so nowif you go to this public ip the wordpress blog is up and live. so yeah.. that's it guys within 5 minutesas you can see we installed wordpress blog which usually takes much more time and thereis no additional headache of configuring the database and connecting to it.

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