how to install ubuntu

welcome to tutorial techie. today we're goingto dual boot an ubuntu and windows 7 machine. i already have ubuntu installed so now i'mgoing to install windows 7. i'm going to go to my cd/dvd devices and loadthe windows 7 iso file. the iso file is like - it's going to act like a cd or dvdrom soi'm going to be able to restart my machine and boot from the iso file.

how to install ubuntu

how to install ubuntu, so i'm going to restart my ubuntu iso, i'mgoing to hit f12 and select "c" for the cd-rom. i'm going to press a key and boot from thatiso file, the same as if i was booting from the windows set-up dvd. window is going to load the set-up files andnow windows is starting.

i'm going to be able to install windows nowby just going through the normal set-up. so i'm going to hit "next"and then i'm goingto hit "install now." setup is going to be starting now and i should say that i alreadycleared a partition for this to be installed so i'm going to "accept" and now i'm goingto click on "custom"and i'm going to select this unallocated space. if i selected diskzero partition 1, i would actually be writing over ubuntu which i do not want to do. this process right here of installing is goingto take some time so i'm going to go ahead and speed up my video. all right, it's been about 15 minutes andwindows is pretty much done installing. i

just need to restart my machine. now it's going to ask "press any key to bootfrom the cdor dvd." i'm not going to hit anything because i don't want to boot from the isofile, i want to boot from the hard drive. now, rather than ubuntu starting up, windows7 is going to start up. it's going to be going through and updating the registry files andit's going to be doing some final setup stuff. set up is starting, completing installation,and this is going to take one more second. and now it's going to be one more again, when the "press any key to boot from cd or dvd," i'm not going to press anythingbecause i want to boot from the hard drive and boot into windows.

later we're going to have to fix this so thatyou can select either to boot into linux ubuntu or windows 7, but for now the computer isgoing to default to booting into windows and it's not going to give you an option. ok, now i have some questions that i needto answer. i'm going to type in a name, jsterling, i'll hit next. i'll create a password, ummpa$$w0rd generally works for me very well, i always like to have upper case, lower case,numbers, letters and symbols. i'm going to go ahead and skip the key andi'm not going to install the updates right now, i can do that at a later time. let me change my time to central time zonebecause that's where i'm at, and i always

check public network because i don't liketo share a lot of stuff on my home network. all right, i've checked that and windows 7has successfully booted up. but as you can see, when i zoom out, a lotof things aren't being taken advantage of - my resolution and stuff so i need to install"guest additions"just like i did on ubuntu. so i'm going to click "install guest additions."andnormally the autorun automatically pops up but in my case it didn't. but that's ok, ican just go to "my computer."i see that the virtual guest additions has loaded into thecdrom so i can just double click on that to open it up and i'm going to launch the virtualguest additions setup. so let me double click on that. i'm runninga 64-bit machine so ineed to type in the amd-64.

then i'm going to hit yes and i'm going togo through the set-up. the reason you want to install guest additionsis because your processor, memory and video performance increases significantly when youinstall guest additions. if you don't, you're going to notice that your virtual machineis struggling significantly. all right, it looks like i've successfullyinstalled that so i'm going to reboot my machine. now again, notice,i don't have the optionto boot into ubuntu - windows just normally starts like it would if that were the onlyoperating system installed and then i'm able to log in. you're going to notice now that guest additionshas been installed, i'm going to be able to

take full advantage of my hd monitor. so in order to be able to acess ubuntu again,we're going to need to modify the profile. i tend to do this with a tool called "easybcd" and i've actually created a tiny url to be able to download it - so it's just so i'm going to go ahead and enter on that.this is a great tool that's used to modify the boot loader in windows. and i hit enter and i do want to run thisfile so i'm going to hit run. you can also download this software from the easy bcd websiteor from places like cnet. i prefer my tiny url.

ok, i'm just going to run through the setupso i'm going to hit yes and next and agree and i'm just going to hit next a bunch oftimes and run through this just like i normally install software. all right, let me close out of this and launchthe easybcd - uh that's a mouthful. click "ok" for that because this is a non-commercialuse for the license. if it was commercial, you'd have to purchase it. you can notice that there's only one entrynow in the boot loader and that's for windows 7. i want to be able to boot linux ubuntuso i'm going to click on "add a new entry," select linux, i'm going to use the grub 2loader and i'm going to rename this ubuntu

12.04 linux. you can name it whatever you want though,that's just going to be the name on the bootloader. i want to automatically locate and i'm goingto hit the "add entry." so now when i click on "view settings" i'llnotice that i have not only one entry but two entries - one's for windows 7 and one'sfor ubuntu 12.04. and notice the order too - entry 1 is windows 7 and number 2 is ubuntu. so now when i restart my machine, you'll seethat i'll get an option to be able to boot into either windows 7 or ubuntu 12.04 andthey're in the same order that we saw when we were modifying the bootloader.

i'm going to select ubuntu and you noticeubuntu loads just fine so that's great. now let me restart this, let me double check thatwindows also loads fine. so i'm going to restart ubuntu, load right in here. i'm using thearrow keys to move up and down and then i hit enter to select. i'm going to select windows7 and perfect, windows 7 seems to be booting just fine. well, we've done it, we've successfully dualbooted windows 7 and ubuntu with ubuntu being installed first, using the windows bootloader.a lot of tutorials have you use grubloader but i prefer using windows.

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