How To Create Tout Account

[log in page]welcome. in this brief demonstration of masspat (the proprietary system called pmp awarxe),we will show you how to create your account as a delegate user authorized by a massachusettsprescriber or pharmacist who is a primary account holder in the system. a delegate accountauthorizes you--the delegate --to run searches in the pmp system on behalf of the primaryaccount holder. this authorization assumes

How To Create Tout Account

How To Create Tout Account, your appropriate use of this system that providesaccess to sensitive information on personal medical histories. keep in mind that yourauthorizing supervisor is responsible for monitoring use of the system and has capabilitieswith his or her user account for reviewing all patient searches.

to start the account registration process,go to the masspat login page at and select the create an account link nextto the login button. before you do this, it is recommended that you review the generalfaqs about the system behind the help link on this page. [create an account page]here on the create an account page, start by entering your professional email address,which will function as the username for your account login. setting up the registrationbased on your professional email address is important for ensuring that you as an end-userwill receive any system-generated notifications. next enter a password for your account. asyou start entering your password, a popup

will open listing the requirements for creatingan acceptably strong account password. enter your password again in the password confirmationfield, where a green check-symbol will appear when confirmed. now select the save and continuebutton to proceed. [select your user roles page]here on the user roles page, select the healthcare professional category link from the shortlist displayed, which will open an expanded list of specific user roles for you to selectfrom. from this expanded list, it's important that you select the most appropriate rolefor establishing the correct access rights for your account. for this demo, we will selectprescriber delegate-unlicensed. next, select the save and continue button to go to thenext step in the process.

[create an account page]this registration process page presents a two-section form for capturing your personaland employer information. notice first that the green popup message is alerting you thatthe system has sent you an email to the professional email address you entered asyour username on the previous page. remember to go back to that email at some point andselect the link in the message area to verify your email address. in the personal section at the top of theform, fill in the required form fields as indicated by a red asterisk and completethe other fields in this section as applicable. for this demo, we will focus on the requiredfields.

* input your name to the respectivefields. be sure not to include any title or affiliation text in the name fields, onlyyour name. * then input your date of birth in the requiredformat. for instance, you must enter the forward slash between the month, day, and year.* complete this section of the form by entering your primary phone number. before moving on, review the information youentered to the personal section of the form to ensure that all required fields have beencompleted correctly and that you have addressed any field validation issues. for the employer section of the form, againprovide input to the required fields indicated

by the red asterisks and to the other fieldsas applicable. for this demo, we will complete only the required fields.* name of employer input. * address input.* city input. * state input.* zip input. review the information entered in the employersection of the form. now, the next to last step for completingyour delegate account-request submission is the item at the bottom of the form. in orderto obtain authorization of your delegate account request, you will need to enter the professionalemail address of the massachusetts primary account holder that the system should notify.then select the adjacent add button. when

the prescriber or pharmacist email addressyou entered is recognized by the system, summary information about the primary account holderwho will be notified for your account authorization will display immediately below. if addingmore than one primary account holder for request approval, use the add button next to the inputfield. ok, that essentially completes the input requirementsfor your delegate account request, which you can now submit by selecting the submit yourregistration button at the bottom of the form. when submitted, a popup notification is displayedindicating that your account request requires approval. selecting the continue button advancesyou to your user dashboard, although you will not have patient search functionality justyet. the primary account holder (or primary

account holders, as the case may be) willbe notified of your request for a delegate account. once the primary account holder approvesyour account, you will receive an email notification and you will then be able to conduct searcheson your primary account holder�s behalf. however, if you are pre-registering duringthe brief period before the search system is fully launched, you will not be able toconduct patient searches during that time. in which case, you would want to check forstatus information under announcements on the right-hand side of your dashboard. ok,let's advance to your user dashboard. well, not before we complete one last step. [security questions page]here on the security question set up page,

you need to answer the three security questionspresented in the drop-down list. these are required in case the system needs to authenticateyour login at some point in the future. so let's respond to those. ok, now select thesave and continue button to proceed to your user dashboard while your request is awaitingapproval. [landing page]this concludes this demonstration. you should now be able to create your prescriber or pharmacist-baseddelegate user account in masspat. should you need assistance in using the system, callthe appriss helpdesk phone number that appears at the top right of every page of the system. [end note]this project was supported by grant no. 2014-pm-bx-0014

awarded by the bureau of justice assistance.the bureau of justice assistance is a component of the department of justice's office of justiceprograms, which also includes the bureau of justice statistics, the national instituteof justice, the office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, the office forvictims of crime, and the smart office.

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